A Listly List - Useful links - recommended by Toastmasters International for Officers in Toastmasters Clubs. Toastmasters is an international membership not-for-profit organisation co: :"We empower individuals to become more effective communicator and leaders" - in their local community, their workplace, and even in their extended family. - BRAND MANUAL - what it is & how to use it well, USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT TOASTMASTERS - for members & for recruiting new members, IMPROVING YOUR CLUB QUALITY - list of resources, HOW TO RECRUIT NEW CLUB MEMBERS, DEALING WITH POLICY VIOLATIONS at club & district level, CLUB COACH PROGRAM, HOW TO BECOME A DISTINGUISHED CLUB, TIPS ON HOW TO BE AN EXCELLENT LEADER, VIDEOS BY DISTRICT 71 - recommended for Club Officers & Members, Club Disciplinary Checklist, Toastmasters International -New Member Experience Survey, OUR DISTRICT OFFICERS, and CLUB SUCCESS PLAN