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A final decision to be made on new policy for Home to School transport

Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet is due to make a final decision on whether to make changes to home to school transport, which would bring the policy in line with the latest guidance from the Department for Education and ensure funding is targeted to those who need it most.

Following a consultation which took place Mon 4 March – Fri 10 May 2024, a recommendation is to be put forward to Cabinet tomorrow (Tue 16 July) for proposals which would bring the Council in line with neighbouring local authorities and promote active travel and better independence for pupils.

If approved changes would not come into effect until September 2025 meaning, there will be no changes for travel arrangements in September 2024.

All pupils who currently receive a travel assistance will be unaffected by the proposals whilst in their current school or college and would continue to receive support under the new policy.  In future all pupils who qualify under statutory guidance will receive travel assistance.

Low-income families, who currently represent 40 per cent of all passholders, would not be affected by the proposals.

All pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who apply to receive travel assistance will continue to have their needs assessed on an individual basis.

If approved, those who will be affected by the new policy will be assessed on an individual basis to establish any extra ordinary circumstances and to ensure the right support and guidance is given.

What is being proposed?

The Council is proposing updating the travel assistance policies, to bring them in line with national guidance by:

  • Removing discretionary free travel if parents or carers choose a school that is not the nearest suitable educational institution. This does not affect a parent or carer’s right to express a preference for a school of their choice as part of the admissions process.
  • Changing the minimum qualifying distance for free travel from two to three miles for those over the age of eight, to be in line with national guidance.
  • Not automatically providing travel support for pupils in years 6, 10 and 11 who have moved home and are no longer within qualifying walking distance to and from their school.

Travel support will be maintained for low-income families under the statutory criteria. In the 2021 academic year, 40% of travel passes issued were to pupils from low-income families. The Council will work with schools to provide travel support for pupils who do not meet the criteria.

Post 16 travel assistance

Currently the average cost of transport is £5,843 per student to be transported to and from their educational setting.  For pupils aged over 16, it is being proposed that those eligible for transport and where the only travel support option is to travel on a vehicle provided by the Council, there will be an expectation that use of this service would require a ‘learner contribution’ of £680 per year.  This would be reduced by 50% for students who would qualify for free school meals.  There will be an opportunity to pay the learner contribution in instalments and many post 16 students can apply for bursary funding to cover travel costs.

Advice would be provided on accessing student bursaries, and the Council would work with colleges to enhance the support they can provide to help students access public transport, for example through the Council’s Independent Travel Training Programme.

Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Councillor Lila Bennett:

“Increases in the cost of fuel, transport and insurance mean that we have to bring the scheme into line with the Department for Education guidance and target resource at those who most need support.

“Not only this, but wherever possible, we want to encourage children and young people to use alternative ways of getting to and from school, such as walking or cycling.

“This improves health and wellbeing, encourages more inclusion and independence for young people as well as being a more sustainable and environmentally friendly. “We are proposing a fair policy that would protect those on low incomes and ensure that those who currently have a pass continue to do so during their remaining period in education unless their circumstances change.”

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