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Azerbaijan Leads The Turkic World Into A New Era Of Synergy And Development – Analysis

Shusha, a city founded in the XVIII century, holds a significant place in Azerbaijan's history and the region's broader narrative. Located on high, rocky terrains, Shusha has long symbolized resilience and impenetrability. Its capture by Armenia in 1992 during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was a devastating blow to Azerbaijan, both morally and strategically. For nearly three decades, Shusha remained under Armenian occupation, a period marked by immense loss and longing for the Azerbaijani people.

In 2020, the Azerbaijani military successfully recaptured Shusha, a turning point in the 44-day war with Armenia. This victory not only altered the course of the conflict but also reshaped the geopolitical dynamics of the region. The liberation of Shusha underscored Azerbaijan's military capabilities and strategic determination, fostering a renewed sense of national pride and unity.

From the Shusha to Karabakh declarations: A new chapter for Turkic unity

On June 15, 2021, the Shusha Declaration was signed, formalizing the allied relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This declaration reinforced the historical and strategic significance of Shusha, marking it as a pivotal location for bilateral cooperation. The declaration emphasized mutual defense, economic collaboration, and cultural ties, cementing the bond between the two nations.

The Shusha Declaration laid the groundwork for subsequent diplomatic and strategic initiatives, highlighting the city's role as a hub for regional cooperation. It demonstrated Azerbaijan's diplomatic prowess in leveraging historical and cultural landmarks to forge stronger international alliances.

On July 6, 2024, the leaders of the Turkic states convened in Shusha for an informal summit, culminating in the signing of the Karabakh Declaration. This meeting, hosted by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, aimed to consolidate the unity and strategic vision of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). The declaration emphasized themes of transport, connectivity, and climate action, reflecting the member states' commitment to sustainable development and regional integration.

Both the Shusha Declaration of 2021 and the Karabakh Declaration of 2024 share a common goal of fostering cooperation and solidarity among Turkic states. However, they differ in their specific focuses and strategic priorities.

Shusha Declaration of 2021 primarily focuses on bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, prioritizing mutual defense, economic collaboration, cultural ties, and so on. It reinforced the strategic alliance between Azerbaijan and Turkey, leveraging historical and cultural connections.

The Karabakh Declaration of 2024 focuses on broader regional cooperation among the Turkic states and gives preference to sustainable development, connectivity, climate action, economic integration, and cultural cooperation.

The document aims at d at consolidating the unity of the Turkic world and positioning the OTS as a significant global entity.

The declaration underscores the importance of developing transport infrastructure and enhancing connectivity among Turkic states. This includes optimizing the Trans-Caspian International East-West Middle Corridor, a vital route for trade and economic integration.

Recognizing the pressing issue of climate change, the declaration calls for unified efforts in addressing its impacts. It proposes the development of climate-resilient smart cities and villages, leveraging renewable energy sources to promote sustainable practices.

The declaration highlights the need for closer economic cooperation, aiming to boost regional trade volumes and attract infrastructure investments. It also emphasizes the importance of digital economy initiatives and cybersecurity measures to foster economic growth.

The declaration reaffirms the commitment to preserving and promoting Turkic culture and heritage. It advocates for joint educational projects and research initiatives to strengthen cultural ties and historical understanding.

Analyzing President Aliyev's strategic vision

President Ilham Aliyev's speech at the informal Shusha summit reflected a clear and ambitious vision for the future of the Turkic world. His emphasis on unity, strategic partnerships, and sustainable development highlighted Azerbaijan's role as a driving force within the OTS. Aliyev's initiatives demonstrate a multifaceted approach to diplomacy, combining historical symbolism with pragmatic policy goals.

Aliyev's speech emphasized the importance of solidarity among Turkic nations. He highlighted shared cultural, historical, and ethnic roots as the foundation for a unified Turkic identity. This vision aims to transform the OTS into a prominent international force with significant political, economic, and military influence.

Aliyev underscored the critical role of transport and connectivity in fostering economic integration. The expansion of the East-West transport corridor and modernization of key infrastructure projects, such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, are central to this vision. These initiatives aim to position the Turkic states as pivotal players in global trade networks.

Recognizing the urgency of climate action, Aliyev called for collaborative efforts to address environmental challenges. The promotion of renewable energy projects and the development of climate-resilient infrastructure are key components of this strategy. Aliyev's vision also includes enhancing energy interconnections among Turkic states to leverage renewable resources effectively.

The president's focus on cultural and educational cooperation aims to deepen the bonds among Turkic nations. By promoting joint research projects, cultural exchanges, and educational programs, he envisions a more cohesive and culturally enriched Turkic community.

Conclusion: A vision for the XXI century

The recent non-formal summit in Shusha and the signing of the Karabakh Declaration mark a significant milestone in the history of the Turkic world. Under President Ilham Aliyev's leadership, Azerbaijan has demonstrated remarkable diplomatic skills in uniting Turkic states around a common agenda. This agenda emphasizes sustainable development, economic integration, and cultural cooperation, aiming to transform the OTS into a formidable international force.

According toProf. Dr. Jeton Kelmendi: the Republic of Azerbaijan has emerged as a dynamic geopolitical actor and a source of stability and sustained peace in the Southern Caucasus Region; under the leadership of President Ilham ALIYEV, Baku has become a principal actor of promoting circular economy, forging strategic investment alliances that will further increase the geo-economic leverage of the

the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), that is commonly known as the Middle Corridor. PresidentIlham Aliyev has shown candor, fortitude and rare global leadership in consolidating the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan."

Shusha, with its rich history and symbolic significance, has once again become a focal point for regional diplomacy, economic progress and strategic initiatives. The city's legacy of resilience and unity continues to inspire efforts to build a prosperous and interconnected future for the Turkic world. As the OTS moves forward with its ambitious goals, the principles laid out in the Shusha and Karabakh Declarations will serve as the guiding lights, shaping the destiny of the Turkic nations in the XXI century.

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