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‘Woke’ FBI Signs Agreement With Blacks In Government As House GOP Investigates DEI Hires

The Biden administration’s weaponized Federal Bureau of Investigation is targeting black Americans to do its bidding while lowering its standards for recruitment.

The post ‘Woke’ FBI Signs Agreement With Blacks In Government As House GOP Investigates DEI Hires appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The Biden administration’s weaponized Federal Bureau of Investigation is targeting black Americans to do its bidding while lowering its standards for recruitment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws hiring anyone based on their race or sex.

But as we all know by now, the FBI doesn’t uphold or abide by the law.

On the heels of a congressional investigation of the FBI’s “hyper-fixation” with discriminatorily hiring based on skin color, the FBI signed an agreement with the non-profit Blacks In Government on Friday.

“[BIG’s Future Leaders in America’s Government program] will disseminate FBI materials and communications related to the collegiate academy and job opportunities, partner with the FBI in establishing outreach opportunities with BIG FLAG members to increase awareness of the FBI and its mission, and invite the FBI to public policy forums, conferences and trainings,” the FBI wrote in a press release announcing the partnership.

Seems a bit racist.

Almost daily, the FBI broadcasts that its on the “lookout” for minority recruits.

The FBI’s partnership with BIG comes as Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee demand answers from Director Chris Wray over the FBI’s woke recruitment practices, warning the bureau’s diversity, equity and inclusion requirements jeopardize American lives and liberty.

The FBI has been impeded in hiring qualified applicants since Joe Biden issued his first executive order on Inauguration Day promulgating DEI programs across the administration, Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan warned in a May 6 letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“A few months later, on April 21, 2021, you announced the hiring of the FBI’s first Chief Diversity Officer, Scott McMillon [and] the FBI [re-focused] its recruitment efforts on DEI statistics,” Jordan wrote. “The FBI’s hyper-fixation on hitting Biden Administration-imposed DEI initiatives, rather than qualifications that make the best federal law enforcement candidates and officers, has created a climate within the FBI that puts the American public and American civil liberties at risk.”

Jordan gave Wray a May 20, 5 p.m. deadline to provide the Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government documents documentation of how many FBI staff are employed in DEI roles, recruitment data spanning the past 10 years, a list of incentives for meeting DEI goals and all documents “referring or relating to the FBI’s implementation of the Biden Administration’s DEI Executive Orders.”

Wray has yet to adhere to the congressional request. Instead, the FBI doubled down on its discriminatory practice announcing the partnership with Blacks In Government.

In January, an alliance of anonymous FBI reformers, including retired and active duty executives and agents from the counterintelligence and counterterrorism branches, delivered a report to the House Judiciary Committee warning the bureau’s recruits during the Biden administration are underqualified, obese and mentally ill, leaving current FBI lacking “the fortitude and skills warranted to defeat [existential] threats.”

Report on FBI Special Agent Recruitment and Selection

According to the report, Wray has deteriorated all bureau recruitment standards particularly “physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities, mental health, full-time work experience and integrity.”

The report cites instances of new agents who are so overweight they cannot pass the new relaxed fitness standards.

A high percentage of candidates fail the mandatory fitness test and to “simply quit in the middle of a 1.5 mile run,” veteran supervisor special agents state in the report.

New agents are so fat and unfit, they can’t even pass the new relaxed standards for fitness, according to the report, authored by anonymous retired and active-duty agents and analysts.

Many of the new agents are also illiterate and need remedial English lessons, don’t want to work weekends or after hours; have serious disabilities or mental health issues and “created drama,” the group of FBI insiders contend.

FBI recruiters are required to host “Diversity Applicant Recruitment” events in which, “Straight white males may not attend,” the report states. “If a recruiter chose not to attend a Pride Parade or fly the Pride flag . . . the recruiter would most likely be removed immediately.”


The FBI keeps tracks of the its employee’s demographics on its website.


In the past year, the bureau has steadily increased its employment of racial minorities, females and agents who identify as LGBTQ+

Females comprise nearly 60 percent of the bureau’s workforce.

Taxpayers are also footing the expense of lavish trips abroad for FBI executives, notes FBI whistleblower Steve Friend

The post ‘Woke’ FBI Signs Agreement With Blacks In Government As House GOP Investigates DEI Hires appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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