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Why the media doesn't talk to Biden's supporters

I am an enthusiastic supporter of President Joe Biden.

I live in the Battleground State of Wisconsin and will proudly vote for him again in November. I plan to do whatever I can to get as many people as possible to join me.

The man simply must win.

I think the guy’s done a tremendous job under some of the most difficult circumstances facing our nation since the Civil War. He won the presidential election in 2020 by a whopping seven million-plus votes and has to deal with a bunch of pathetic, sore losers who don’t even have the minimum amount of decency and maturity that we expect of our children after they lose a Little League baseball game.

READ: Marjorie Taylor Greene: Ilhan Omar is ‘lucky’ to be in America

You can count on our kids to shake hands, congratulate the winner, and vow to try to do better next time after a loss.

Today’s “adults” in the Republican Party whine, throw violent, nuclear-powered temper tantrums, lie about everything, and steadfastly refuse to admit defeat. They tell us they won’t commit to election results unless they are on the winning end. Their conduct is reprehensible, and in a sane world, would disqualify them from holding any office in the United States of America.

Yet people vote for them. What could possibly be their appeal?

Say what you want about Richard Nixon, but after losing a razor-thin presidential election in 1960, he was seated in the front row of Jack Kennedy’s inauguration to lend public support to the man who defeated him, and to the citizens of the United States who were owed his respect.

Nixon shook hands with Kennedy, congratulated him, vowed to do better, and eight years later did, vanquishing Democrat Hubert Humphrey in yet another close election in America.

I’m not here to lionize Nixon. His record speaks for itself.

I am here to say that he did the right thing when it was required, which should be the bare minimum that we expect from anybody who ascribes to be a leader.

Compare that with the way the ghastly GOP have carried on since 2020, replete with a violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021, that they have somehow rationalized in their twisted, criminal minds as good and normal.

Joe Biden has had to deal with all this dangerous, anti-American insanity, and has done so with grace and honor. He has proven himself to be a good and decent man at a time we have never needed good and decent men more.

He respects America and he respects his office. He respects our Democracy, the longstanding institutions of the United States of America, and has worked in a bipartisan fashion whenever possible to get things done for us. ALL OF US.

Why isn’t this more important?

Hell, why isn’t this the most important thing? Why don’t we discuss this man’s goodness more honestly and openly? Joe Biden is clearly a better man than the lewd, orange, lying ghoul he is running against.

That should matter more than anything, especially right now when the heat on our country has been turned up to full boil by a political party that is swinging hard right toward authoritarianism, and has trouble even saying the word, Democracy.

Why doesn’t corporate media spend more time on this vitally important issue of character?

And while I’m on the subject, why do they spend so little time talking to people like me? Like I said, I am proud to support this man, and happy to tell you all about it.

When’s the last time you have seen, heard or read a story about any of the tens of millions of people who are proudly and enthusiastically supporting Joe Biden in this year’s presidential election?

I’ll give you a second or two to think about that one …


OK, let’s try this: Have you seen, heard or read even ONE story about the tens of millions of people who are proudly supporting Joe Biden in this year’s presidential election?

Still nothing?

Helluva thing isn’t it?

It’s not as if there has been a shortage of stories about this never-ending election season. Lord knows there’s been thousands and thousands of ‘em.

There are stories about why people are still somehow supporting the America-attacking Trump. There are stories about why people don’t want another Biden-Trump rematch. There are stories about why young people allegedly don’t support Biden. There are stories about why people are allegedly flocking to third-party candidates this year. There are stories about how Black voters are allegedly leaving Biden. There are stories about how Latinos are allegedly leaving the Democratic Party altogether. There are stories about white, evangelical voters, who can’t seem to get enough of the morally-bankrupt Trump. There are endless stories about the endless stream of polls that have the race going 47 different ways — plus or minus four or five, and generally in Trump’s direction. There are stories about voters who eat in diners, and are unhappy about literally everything. Hell, there are even stories about the lowest of the low — the people who aren’t going to bother voting at all this year, because I guess whining about everything, or pretending they are above it all is easier.

There are stories about literally EVERYTHING except why millions and millions and millions of people like me are still proudly supporting Joe Biden, and plan to work like hell to make sure he stays in our White House.

You’d almost think the lack of pro-Biden stories is by design …

And, hey, I’m not just any person, either. I am an older, white man without a college degree. I am supposed to be Trump and his grotesque Republican Party’s favorite flavor. I’m supposed to be the staunch Republican who grouses about everything, and blames everybody else for my seemingly never-ending stream of self-made problems, like: Why are people who don’t look anything like me doing better than I am? Don’t they know their place??

Except there are millions of other men across this country just like myself who are proud of the progress we’ve made under Biden, and can’t wait to vote for him. I personally know thousands of ‘em. Yeah, sure, I know some who aren’t supporting Joe, but I don’t talk to them much anymore. They have proven themselves to be morally busted — broken. Life’s too short, and this election is too important to waste my time trying to help lift up others with one hand, while holding my nose with the other.

So what makes the media think I want to hear from those miserable self-servers all the time, instead of the good people who support our very good president? Why aren’t we celebrating common decency, and bare minimum, expecting that from our politicians?

Why aren’t we turning off the liars and turning on the truth?

Imagine how much better off we’d be if we held the presidency and those who would occupy it, to the same standards that we hold our children …

NOW READ: Marjorie Taylor Greene: Ilhan Omar is ‘lucky’ to be in America

D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. Follow @EarlofEnough and on his website.

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