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I found a box buried deep in my garden – I had no idea what was inside, but I was left traumatised after opening it

A WOMAN was left “traumatised” after opening a box she found buried deep in the ground in her garden.

Hannah was getting underway with some garden work and was engrossed in the digging process when she hit the top of the metal box.

Hannah was digging in her garden when she came across a box buried in the ground
She didn’t know what it was, just that she’d hit the top of the lid[/caption]
She shared a closer look at the box in the ground

“What do you think this is?” she asked in a video on her TikTok page.

“It’s definitely a box of some kind.”

She added that her dad had suggested it might be a pet that had passed away, but Hannah said she hoped that it wasn’t.

“Normally people bury that at the end of the garden, or, like, you get it cremated, right?” she questioned.

“I don’t know. But the guy who used to live here, he used to keep birds, and I found quite a lot of birds.

“But it’s too big for a bird, I think, so I don’t know what it is.”

People in the comments section quickly weighed in and shared their own suggestions for what could be in the box.

“Time capsule?” one wrote.

“Don’t open it it’s a spirit box,” another added.

“Treasure?” a third asked.

With Hannah responding: “Honestly I was delulu enough to think it could be!”

In another video, Hannah offered an update, as she said it was, in fact, a dead pet.

“It was, as a few people said, a dead pet,” she said.

“And now I’m traumatised because I had to see it.

“But yeah, I’ve just spent the last two hours digging it out and then had to take the lid off, which is basically disintegrated.

“It was quite a big box, but I took the lid off and it was all wet and soggy inside and there was like a shower curtain and some, like, fleece blankets.

“I really didn’t wanna look, but I had to look and it was someone’s dog.

What are the weirdest things people have found buried in their gardens?

FROM unexploded bombs to time capsules, people have found all sorts of things buried in their gardens. Here's five of the most bizarre discoveries.

Dinosaur bone

In 1997, a man was building a fence in his back garden when he came across a 250-million-year-old Pliosaur bone. He stored it in his shed for a further 16 years, before it was finally examined by experts in 2013.


A man was digging an area in his garden to put a new fish pond in when he accidentally dug up a cannonball. He later discovered his house was built on top of a defensive line from the Battle of New Orleans – so the cannonball was from a war in 1812.

Time capsule

A man thought he was in for a big payday when he found a 25-year-old time capsule in his garden – and discovered it was full of NY Yankees baseball cards from the 1980s. Sadly, he then found out that the condition of the cards were too poor of a condition to sell on.

Human remains

In 2014, a man was landscaping his garden when he came across what appeared to be human bones. A medical examination later discovered that they were the bones of a Native American, dating back 1,000 years.

Fallout shelter

A couple discovered a fallout shelter in their back garden after buying a house in California. Even more amazingly, the shelter – constructed in 1961 during the cold war – was fully stocked with products from the 60s.

“And I actually spoke to my neighbours who are a couple of doors down and used to know the person that lived here, and they said he had a dog that died a couple of years ago.”

Hannah also admitted she had no idea what to do with the remains now, noting that reburying it would mean she’d have to take the wet dog out of its box and put it in a new one.

She had also Googled and found there was a company who could come and dispose of the remains for her, but it was a service she’d have to pay for.

“It’s really common for people to bury their pets in gardens, unfortunately some people can’t afford the cremation etc,” one person commented on that video.

To which Hannah replied; “Oh yeah 100% I have also always done the same.

“However sadly I think this was buried far too shallow, and also right by my back door, so not the wisest decision!”

Hannah then shared another video after opening the box
She admitted she’d been left “traumatised” after discovering the contents of the box

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