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DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’

Just between you and me – behind all the international controversy involving the Soviet Republic of Georgia lies legislation that is absolutely common sense and has equivalents in the US and many other Western countries.

So calling it ‘Russia Law’ or saying it’s ‘Russian-inspired’ is disingenuous.

The proposed law mandates that media and NGOs must register as ‘pursuing the interests of a foreign power’ if they receive over 20% of their funding from abroad, not unlike the US’ Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

We started covering the issue with: WATCH – Major Brawl Erupts in Georgian Parliament as Members Exchange Blows Over ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill.

Georgia seems primed for a color revolution.

Later, as the protests escalated, it became clear what was happening, and the international puppet masters leading the crowds: COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA – Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations.

The foreign agents law was approved in three parliamentary votes and was vetoed by Pro-EU President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili, a ‘traitor to the Caucasian nation’ in the words of the conservative Prime Minister. The Parliament is widely expected to overrule the Presidential veto in yet another vote.

Demonstrations have become quite smaller.

For now, the riots in front of Parliament are becoming smaller, but the political pressure is stepping up like crazy: threats of US sanctions, the threat of EU severing the ascension prospects of the country, and now – it appears – even assassination threats are in the game.

It turns out that one of the European Commissioners, the Hungarian Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, threatened Georgian PM Kobakhidze with the fate of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who recently suffered an assassination attempt.

This was posted in Georgia government Official Facebook page: “Even against the background of years of blackmail, the threats that were voiced in a telephone conversation with one of the European Commissioners were striking.

In particular, in his conversation with me, the European Commissioner listed a number of measures that Western politicians could take after overcoming the veto on the transparency law, and said while listing these measures – ‘You saw what happened to Fiсo, you should be very careful’, the post claims.”

Reuters reported:

“Oliver Varhelyi, EU commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, said his comments on the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico were taken out of context.”

There you have it: the European Union is using scare tactics to increase pressure on Tbilisi to drop the law, then acts like it was ‘misunderstood’.

“Varhelyi said in a statement he wanted to tell Kobakhidze not to inflame passions and the assassination attempt in Slovaka “was made as an example and as a reference to where such high level of polarization can lead in a society even in Europe”.

‘I regret that one part of my phone call was not just fully taken out of context, but was also presented to the public in a way which could give rise to a complete misinterpretation of the originally intended aim of my phone call’, Varhelyi said.”

Fight in Parliament: majority expected to override Presidential veto on the law.

The ruling Georgian Dream party has the numbers in parliament to override President Zourabichvili’s veto in a vote next week.

Georgian Dream, which says it still wants to join both the EU and NATO, maintains that the law is necessary to protect Georgian sovereignty.

The West wants Georgia to open a ‘second front’ against Russia. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated this.

Intel Slava reported:

 “’Since the beginning of 2022, there has been serious interest in opening a ‘second front’ in Georgia, which would weaken Russia’s position, but this would destroy our country. Such interest remains today’, Kobakhidze said, commenting on the West’s dissatisfaction with the Georgian law on foreign agents.

He believes that in today’s world there is a ‘global war party’ that ‘is not interested in the fate of Georgia and its interest lies only in weakening Russia’s position’.”

Washington has started firing from all cylinders in their effort to get the Georgian government to nix foreign agents bill.

Sputnik reported:

“US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said Washington is ‘gravely disappointed’ by the law. White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby cited deep concerns, claiming that the bill could ‘stifle’ dissent and free speech. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wrote on X that the US is ‘deeply alarmed about democratic backsliding in Georgia’.

Twenty-nine American lawmakers penned a letter to Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on May 10 urging him to withdraw the legislation since it will ‘impose control over the very same partners’ who assisted Georgia’s transatlantic integration. The letter expressed support for the nationwide ‘peaceful protests’.

US congressmen have threatened to reconsider US financial assistance, expand visa bans, and impose financial sanctions on Georgian officials if the bill is not withdrawn, in a colonial-style violation of Georgia’s sovereign right to adopt its own laws and pursue independent policies.”

Read more:

Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution

The post DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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