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‘She should divorce him’ people say after woman reveals the awkward baby name her neighbour’s husband is set on

PICKING the perfect name for your little one can be difficult, especially if you and your partner have very different ideas about what names work.

So when one woman heard the name her neighbour’s husband has his heart set on she wasn’t surprised his wife isn’t so keen on the idea.

The dad is set on the awkward name despite what people say[/caption]
The woman begged people to make him see sense[/caption]

Although lots of parents end up picking a name for their newborn that pays tribute to a family member, the dad might’ve taken it slightly too far with his choice.

Posting on a popular Facebook group, the neighbour explained that her neighbour is currently four months along in her pregnancy, and her husband has already found a name he loves.

“Her husband wants to name their daughter Kingsley, which is a perfectly lovely name… except their last name is… Kingsley,” she explained.

“He sees nothing wrong with Kingsley Kingsley and he’s dead set on it.”

The neighbour then asked fellow Facebook users to rinse the name in the comment section of the post so she can show to husband just how bad it really is.

Some slammed the dad and said the child would end up being bullied for life if they go through the the double name.

“Honestly he shouldn’t be procreating if he’s prepared to put a child through a lifetime of bullying and constantly having to explain her ridiculous name,” one wrote.

A second agreed: “He’s really that lazy he couldn’t even think of a different name.”

And someone else had a solution for the parents-to-be: “She should divorce him and go back to her maiden name. Problem solved,” they wrote.

Some even agreed that family names can be great, but doubling up on the same name is a recipe for disaster.

“Let me be clear. Both of my daughters have family last names as first names. But it isn’t THEIR LAST NAMES,” one slammed.

“That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. And I’ve seen a LOT of stupid shit,” another bluntly wrote.

Meanwhile, someone else begged the man to reconsider: “Kingsley would be lovely…if it weren’t already her last name.

“Please don’t do this to your child.

“There are SO many other names to choose from! Listen to your wife. Always listen to your wife.”

Of course, this isn’t the only unusual name that’s caused a stir online recently, one mum revealed she wants to give her daughter the same name as her dad – but not everyone was convinced by the idea.

aking to Mumsnet, the mum has been called “f****g cruel” and “horrible” after revealing her plans.

The name she is proposing to call her daughter is Gary. 

However, she wants to feminise the spelling by changing it to Garri.

“My late dad was called Gary,” the mum penned on the forum. 

“I’d love to honour him by naming our daughter Garri, or do you think it’s better spelt Gari? 

“Middle name will be Anne.

“If Terri and Toni are acceptable, then why isn’t Garri? 

“I also know of a girl called Harri.”

The mum further revealed that she likes the name in double barrel form of Garri-Anne.

The thread totted up a whopping 125 disgruntled responses as people begged her not to give her daughter the unusual moniker. 

“Assuming this is real, that spelling looks horrible,” one woman responded. 

“Why do people hate their unborn babies so much?”

Unusual baby names 2024

Many parents are opting for meaningful names in 2024 with unisex names on the rise due to their unique element, it's hard to categorise them.

With celebrities at the forefront of this growing trend, after Ed Sheeran named his latest addition Jupiter Seaborn, and Kylie Jenner who named her newborn Aire – it would seem having a unique, unisex name is more common than you think.

Unusual baby names documented in 2024 include:

  • Halo
  • Aire
  • Elio
  • Royal
  • Atticus
  • Ori
  • Starlette
  • Snowdrop
  • Kahlani
  • Zyla
  • Teddy
  • Ezra
  • Beau
  • Otto

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