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‘What a brilliant tip’ rave beauty fans after woman reveals genius toothpaste hack to perfecting your fake tan

BEAUTY fans are raving about a “genius toothpaste hack” which helps to perfect their fake tan. 

For those who have ever fake tanned, will know how the hands can be the most tricky part. 

Getty - Contributor
A fake tanning hack has gone viral on TikTok and beauty fans are claiming it will stop those annoying streaks[/caption]
The fake tanner filmed herself completing the trick which involves using toothpaste[/caption]

If not done properly, streaks and bright orange stains can be left on the underneath sides of your hands. 

But one beauty fan has come up with a solution which will help to smooth the fake tan evenly over your hand. 

Filming her tanning routine, she first started off by taking the mitt off which showed a clear difference in colour – as she had clearly been tanning her arms before then. 

She then gets the tanning moose and squirts a generous amount of tanning moose on her hand before rubbing it in with her other hand.

The beauty fan said: “Pretty much, rub that fake tan in like moisturiser and don’t forget the knuckles.”

She then showed what the palm side of her hand looked like, and it appeared to be brown and uneven. 

The fake tanner said: “We don’t want this happening.” 

She then gets a makeup brush and squirts toothpaste onto the top of it, before rubbing it into the palm of her hands. 

The tanner said: “As you can see it is already coming off there.”

Using a wet towel, she then wipes it off and scrubs the excess tanning away, whilst also wiping her nails as well. 

She then shows a clear difference in both hands – one without having used the toothpaste trick, and the other having used the trick. 

The video, which was shared on TikTok, has since gone viral with over 55,000 people liking it and over 1,200 people rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts. 

After rubbing fake tan into her hands, she then squirts toothpaste on her makeup brush before rubbing it into the palm of her hands[/caption]
The trick will leave your hands streak free[/caption]

“What a brillant tip,” raved one user. 

Another added: “Thanks so much!” 

However, not everyone was impressed with the trick. 

One wrote: “This is WAY too much effort.”

Another added: “This is why I use gradual tanners because they look very natural.”

Others gave some suggestions and tips on how they perfect their fake tan look. 

One wrote: “I just use a brush and just paint the front , why waste the self tanner ? Works for me.”

Biggest beauty mistakes

Fabulous' Beauty Editor Tara Ledden has shared the do's and don'ts when it comes to beauty.

“No matter how much time and money you spend on your beauty routine, if you’re not getting the basics right, the rest is wasted.

“There aren’t many non-negotiables, but these are the biggest beauty mistakes sabotaging your regime.”

  • Not wearing SPF: Sun-damage is the main cause of premature skin ageing, so if you want to keep your skin looking plump and glowing, sun cream is vital. 
  • Using expired products: Best case, they’re ineffective and don’t deliver the results they promise, worst case they cause irritation and infection. The shelf life of beauty products differ – for example, mascara is usually good for 3-6 months while lipstick can last for 9-18 months. Check the ‘POA’ symbol on the packaging (it looks like a jar and will have a number inside for how many months it’s safe once opened. If you can’t remember when you opened your product, throw it away and start again, marking the month and year with a permanent marker on the packaging. 
  • Not knowing your undertones: If you’re using make-up with the wrong undertones, it’ll never look natural no matter how much you blend it! An easy trick to work out whether you have cool, warm or neutral undertones is to check the veins on your wrist – if they look blue, you have cool undertones, if they’re green, you have warm and if they’re a mix you have neutral. 
  • Skipping heat protector: It might feel unnecessary, but much like sun damage on the skin, excess heat is the most common cause of hair damage. So, if you want shiny, healthy hair, or you’re trying to grow it longer, using a heat protection product is key. 
  • Not washing your face before bed: it’s as simple as this, if you’re not washing your face before you go to sleep, everything that’s been on your skin during the day is sitting there for even longer, clogging your pores and drying out the surface. Any skincare applied on top isn’t going to be effective with a layer of dirt underneath, and you’re probably going to end up with dirty pillows too – yuck!

“I just use the excess off the mitt once available and tan it all,” another said.

“Just put it on the tops of each hand with a mit.

“Then use regular lotion on your hands. It will keep your knuckles from getting too dark,” suggested another.

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