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В Москве на главу АНО «Цифровые платформы» с ножом напал лидер рок-группы «Пасека»

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Chris Roemer: Biden, Democrats condoning hate on college campuses is a national tragedy waiting to happen | COMMENTARY

Chris Roemer: Biden, Democrats condoning hate on college campuses is a national tragedy waiting to happen | COMMENTARY

Just negotiating with these students is enabling enough. Canceling graduations and making the Democratic National Convention virtual is like giving the protesters a shot of B-12. It’s times like these that expose a leader’s moral core. As far as I can tell, at his core, Biden is hollo

Today’s college protesters are fortunate they live in an era that enables their radicalism and restricts police from reacting to their lawlessness as they once might have.

The positions these children support are farcical. Their views align with the Ayatollahs of Iran — and I think that’s all I need to say about that.

Any society that allows, even encourages, the minds of its young people to be poisoned with ideas that are self-destructive is not long for this world.

Our nation has matured, but rather than continuing to build on the incredible legacy our founders left for us, we have now decided to instead destroy everything and replace it with a system that has failed each time it’s been tried in history.

The left has never been able to learn from mistakes. Anymore, it exists to stoke problems rather than to find a way forward.

The current agitators wrap themselves in the Woodstock flag, but have betrayed every value that flag represents.

They support Iran and a terrorist organization that just butchered 1,300 people, is currently holding scores of hostages and whose stated reason for existing is to  “obliterate” Israel.

Their tactics and the language they use are of a type people living in 1930s Germany would have recognized.

Every thinking American must work to find an antidote for the poison that is infecting the minds of our young people. We have seen before where this kind of hate leads a country, and it took a world war costing the lives of 75 million people to eradicate it the last time it raised its ugly head so highly.

We are playing with fire. If the hate being manifested at universities is allowed to flourish, this country could find itself in a place none of us want to go.

That so many Americans condone what’s happening on these campuses does not bode well for the future.

In perilous times the quality of a country’s leadership is critical.

And we have Joe Biden.

Democrats want to keep this country in the hands of a man who is demonstrably past his prime, and who has never had a North Star to serve as a moral guide.

To give Biden another four years is as ludicrous as it is irresponsible.

Demonstrating their total lack of appreciation for just how profound what is transpiring on America’s campuses, Democrats, rather than taking steps to forcefully combat the hate targeting the Jewish people, are instead focused on how they can conduct their convention virtually in an attempt to “manage” that hate long enough for Biden to get re-elected.

Think what you want about what’s happening between Hamas and Israel, history has stark examples of what happens when a society turns a blind eye or minimizes the evil that is antisemitism.

I don’t care what is at stake in terms of Biden’s re-election, to not stand firmly with Israel in its war against Hamas and to enable the hate-spewing mobs here at home is inexcusable.

Just negotiating with these students is enabling enough. Canceling graduations and making the Democratic National Convention virtual is like giving the protesters a shot of B-12.

It’s times like these that expose a leader’s moral core. As far as I can tell, at his core, Biden is hollow.

The protesters supporting the evil that is Hamas differ only in that their ignorance can be explained, at least in part, by their relative youth and inexperience.

Biden has no such excuse.

Of course, the easiest way for the left to excuse itself, and to avoid addressing any criticism it receives directly, is to deflect it by talking about Republicans instead.

Members of the political left do this all the time. It’s one of their favorite tactics. It’s a logic fallacy called a Red Herring. Some call it “whataboutism.”

“Let’s not talk about Democratic antisemitism. Let’s talk about Republican antisemitism, instead.”

The hate currently on display at college campuses across the country is not only despicable, it’s a national tragedy waiting to happen — regardless of Republican failings.

I’m not sure why otherwise well-educated people have difficulty accepting that fact.

Chris Roemer is a retired banker and educator who resides in Finksburg. He can be contacted at chrisroemer1960@gmail.com

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