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I lost £1,300 after making easy flight booking mistake – simple check you must do to avoid it happening to you

RETIREE Alan Straughan battled with TUI for weeks to get a simple error with his flight changed.

Alan couldn’t wait for his summer holiday to Tenerife in the Canary Islands with his wife in June.

A man has revealed how a flight error left him out of pocket[/caption]

But when he came to book the £1,340 flights, a tiny error left him running round in circles for weeks with TUI.

Alan had intended to book return flights from Newcastle Airport to Tenerife, leaving on June 11 and returning on June 22 at midday.

But when the booking confirmation came through via email, Alan spotted that the return flight said it departed Tenerife at 9.05pm, getting him back to Newcastle at 1.30am.

He was sure he had selected the earlier flight, but realised he hadn’t double checked it again before putting in his payment details.

Alan was horrified as he doesn’t like driving at night and would never have chosen to return so late.

So, he immediately contacted TUI online and then by phone to ask them to swap the flight time.

He thought this would have been an easy fix, as the midday flight still had ample seats available and he was willing to pay whatever the difference was to swap departure times.

However, after going round in circles with TUI for weeks and being passed from department to department, Alan was told he would have to either stick with the booking or cancel it and lose 70% of the cost.

This would set him back £910 and he would then have to rebook them, putting him even more out of pocket.

“I’m at my wits end with this issue, it seems as though TUI is trying to fob me off and hope that I’ll just accept the booking,” Alan told The Sun.

“I don’t live close to the airport and can’t possibly drive there and back at that time of night.”


Frustrated and with nowhere left to turn, Alan contacted The Sun for help sorting out the mess.

When we got in touch with TUI, it swiftly escalated Alan’s complaint and reached out to him directly to apologise for the poor customer service.

The airline has now refunded him the full £1,340 he paid so that he can rebook new flights of his choosing.

A spokesperson for TUI said: “Our team has now contacted the customer and has resolved this directly with him.”

Alan is thrilled to be able to put the mess behind him and focus on his holiday.

Our Squeeze Team has won back over £169,000 for readers.

How to contact our Squeeze Team

Our Squeeze Team wins back money for readers who have had a refund or billing issue with a company and are struggling to get it resolved.

We’ve won back thousands of pounds for readers including £22,000 for a man asked to pay back benefits to the DWP, £2,800 for a family who had a hellish holiday and £635 for a seller scammed on eBay.

To get help, write to our consumer champion, Laura Purkess.

I love getting your letters and emails, so do write to me at squeezeteam@thesun.co.uk or Laura Purkess, The Sun, 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF.

Tell me what happened and don’t forget to provide your phone number so I can ring you if I need more information. Share with me any reference number the company has given you relating to your case, or any account name/number if you’re a customer.

Include the following line so I can go to the firm on your behalf: “I give permission for [company’s name] to discuss my case with Laura Purkess at The Sun”.

Please include your full name and location in your email/letter.

How to complain if you’re unhappy with your airline’s customer service

To begin with, take your complaint directly to the airline. Tell them exactly what happened and what you want them to do about it.

Write to the airline’s head office to say you’re making a formal complaint, and include as much evidence as possible to back your claim up.

If you aren’t happy with their response or you don’t get anywhere, you can escalate your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution service, which may have an agreement with your airline to manage disputes.

You can also refer some complaints to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) if you don’t receive a reply within eight weeks or aren’t happy with the outcome.

The CAA will consider complaints relating to delayed or cancelled flights, downgrades or denied boarding, issues with assistance for disabled or reduced mobility passengers, or lost or damaged baggage.

It will initially assess whether you have a valid complaint, and if it finds you do, it will take it up with the airline.

Unfortunately, the CAA does not have legal powers to force the airline’s hand, but if it receives a lot of complaints about one airline it may be able to take further action.

If you’re still dissatisfied, you can take legal action against the airline, such as taking them to a small claims court, but be aware you will usually have to pay a fee.

Flight compensation rules

What are my rights if my flight is cancelled or delayed?

Under UK law, airlines have to provide compensation if your flight arrives at its destination more than three hours late.

If you’re flying to or from the UK, your airline must let you choose a refund or an alternative flight.

You will be able to get your money back for the part of your ticket that you haven’t used yet.

So if you booked a return flight and the outbound leg is cancelled, you can get the full cost of the return ticket refunded.

But if travelling is essential, then your airline has to find you an alternative flight. This could even be with another airline.

When am I not entitled to compensation?

The airline doesn’t have to give you a refund if the flight was cancelled due to reasons beyond their control, such as extreme weather.

Disruptions caused by things like extreme weather, airport or air traffic control employee strikes or other ‘extraordinary circumstances’ are not eligible for compensation.

Some airlines may stretch the definition of the “extraordinary circumstances” but you can challenge them through the aviation regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Will my insurance cover me if my flight is cancelled?

If you can’t claim compensation directly through the airline, your travel insurance may refund you.

Policies vary so you should check the small print, but a delay of eight to 12 hours will normally mean you qualify for some money from your insurer.

Remember to get written confirmation of your delay from the airport as your insurer will need proof.

If your flight is cancelled entirely, you’re unlikely to be covered by your insurance.

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