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Are The Rumors True? Our Totally Reasonable Theories For ‘Shōgun’ Season 2

With rumors that Shōgun is getting a second season, why not imagine the cool things that could happen in Season 2?

The creators of Shōgun have spent so much time insisting that it was a limited series that they almost made us believe it. Nevertheless, critically acclaimed series with high viewership numbers do not go gentle into that good night; in fact, they’re born screaming, with several seasons already foretold before they even take their first steps. That said, Shōgun’s creators Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks probably did believe they were making a limited series–right up until recent events changed their minds. No doubt, the show’s parent network FX had a hand in this, but Hiroyuki Sanada recently signed a deal to return as the show’s co-protagonist Yoshii Toranaga. Further fueling rumors of an impending Season 2 is the fact that FX might enter Shōgun as a drama series at the Emmys instead of as a limited series

In any case, this tale of sex, ego, and colonialism in 17th-century Japan has made a major impact on viewers. And to that end, we’ve gone ahead and made some predictions for what could happen in Season 2. And before the Shōgun purists (yes, that is a real thing) get mad, just remember that this author is not a writer for Shōgun and can thus make whatever changes he wants.

1. Toranaga adopts 5,000 falcons


Toranaga may have released his prized falcon at the end of Season 1, but he’ll no doubt get bored as the new Shōgun of Japan and will need a hobby. Namely, he’ll adopt 5,000 pet falcons named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus and give them all fancy hairdos. To help raise them, Ishido–his new personal servant–will take a break from emptying Toranaga’s bedpan to build a falconry outside Toranaga’s room in Osaka. Also, since there will no doubt be political upheaval from Toranaga taking over the shōgunate and all that, he’ll probably have to spend several episodes fine-tuning the peculiarities of his new military dictatorship. But first, the falcons.

2. The show becomes a buddy comedy starring Blackthorne and Buntaro

Blackthorne might be stuck in Japan against his will, but that doesn’t mean he can’t party. And now that he and Buntaro are both depressed about Mariko’s Season 1 sacrifice, it’s the perfect time for another sake-off. First, they can gripe and moan about who’s more depressed; then, Buntaro can shoot a bunch of depression arrows into the wall. Then they’ll share an infinitesimal moment of sexual attraction before suppressing it forever and deciding to open a sake bar. Further running from their momentarily pansexual feelings, the bros will also shack up with new lady loves. Our money’s on Lady Ochiba for Blackthorne and an unnamed cleaning lady for Buntaro.

3. Father Alvito tries to burn down Gin’s brothel

Who else clocked that look that Father Alvito gave Gin when she was laying out plans for her brothel in Edo? You can bet that he was already planning its destruction: You know, Catholic guilt and the oppression of women, yada yada. Likely, instead of seeing an enterprising woman building a safe space for her hardworking family, he saw a harlot trying to drag all of Japan into hell. In any case, it’s highly likely that Alvito will try to shut down Gin’s burgeoning sex worker operation in Season 2. Either that, or he’ll realize that sex is actually fun, hook up with Kiku, and order that every church in Japan be immediately converted into a swingers palace.

4. The season could follow James Clavell’s books

Speculation aside, there are actual physical books that a Season 2 of Shōgun could draw from. For instance, in Gai-Jin, Clavell’s last novel, Lady Ochiba and her son actually commit seppuku to avoid getting captured by Toranaga. (There go our plans for her and Blackthorne, damn.) Also, Toranaga bans cannon production and ship making forever, and orders that Catholic priests stop growing their hair into dumb rings around their heads. Well, the last part is made up, but Toranaga should still do that.

5. The season could follow real-life events

If we’re being really real, then Shōgun will most likely adapt real-life events of 17th-century Japan. To our knowledge, these don’t include a Catholic priest burning down a brothel or a reigning Shōgun adopting 5,000 falcons for his birthday. For example, after the Battle of Sekigahara (briefly imagined in Season 1), there were ample political developments in Japan until the siege of Osaka in 1615. Or, if FX orders even more seasons of Shōgun (which, if it makes more money…yes), then the show can work up to Japan’s isolationist period which materialized in the mid-17th century. Then the falcon thing can happen.

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