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Is there a Rob Malley 2.0 Inside the Biden Team?

Until October 7, 2023, and the murderous Hamas attack into Israel, the Biden Team had been focused on the mysterious Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran.

The post Is there a Rob Malley 2.0 Inside the Biden Team? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Until October 7, 2023, and the murderous Hamas attack into Israel, the Biden Team had been focused on the mysterious Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran.

The terms and conditions of the agreement has been chronicled by the United States Government, but at the same time, there has been vagueness on what the JCPOA was or said.  A senior State Department official said in 2015, “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,”

If the Obama era JCPOA is not a treaty, not an executive agreement, and not a signed document, just what is it?  If it was none of these, why did John Kerry, Secretary of State at the time, beg Iran not to talk publicly about how he had been out maneuvered by Iran on JCPOA language?

Why did Ben Rhodes have to be disingenuous and mischievous to sell the JCPOA which he was lauded for in an infamous New York Times piece.  There has been a lot of drama on the JCPOA since the document, which was not a treaty, not an agreement, was not signed in 2015.  But now the multi-year intrigue is getting even more cloudy and unclear as the Iran lead for the Biden Team, Rob Malley, has been removed from his position.

Rob Malley 1.0 still being investigated

Rob Malley was the State Department Special Envoy for Iran negotiations, but has been on unpaid leave status while under investigation for security matters.  State Department has forgotten to purge his biography.

Malley seems to possess a broad and deep experience on Middle East matters, however he is at the center of what has been identified as an Iranian influence operation to penetrate the Biden policy making process.

Per the “The Atlantic”, a blue leaning journal, “The emails look bad” and point toward the role of a non-profit called the International Crisis Group where Malley had been President before joining the Biden team.

Malley seems to have ensured the placement of two key personnel Ariane M. Tabatabai and Ali Vaez who are identified as Iranian active sympathizers, or worse, as his key personnel with his office.  Both U.S. Government Employees are identified as being part of the Iranian Government, “Iranian Experts Initiative” to influence U.S. Government policy on Iran.

Ali Vaez, admitted on X (formerly Twitter) that he solicited Iranian Government feedback on an Op-Ed to be published before it was published (while he was in the U.S. Government).  “I look forward to your comments and feedback” his email to the Iranians read.

It is unclear where Ms. Tabatabai is, her presence is pervasive in most progressive think tanks such as Belfer, a typical place on the bench for blue leaning personalities.

She may or may not be the Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations (ASD SOLIC), but she doesn’t appear on the website.  A reasonable question for Congress to ask immediately – what role did any of these three have in determining the Intelligence Community priorities stack and were all things Hamas and Israel above or below the “cut line” of priorities.

A Rob Malley 2.0 now outed on the Biden Team?

Now there is a potential Rob Malley 2.0 on the Biden Team.  His name is Maher Bitar and he is Director for Intelligence and Defense on the National Security Staff at the White House.  Maher’s Bio seems to be a who’s who listing of globalist and Deep State accomplishments.

He has worked for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the same organization that has received billions over the years to accomplish nothing in the Gaza Strip, and had multiple members participate in the bloody October 7 attack into Israel.  He’s a Young Leader with the World Economic Forum.  Maher was part of the coup against President Trump where he worked for noteworthy Congressmen such as Adam Schiff.

His Linkedin profile is a bit lame – it shows that he is linked to Dr. Michael Sulmeyer, another Biden political who has been appointed, but not yet confirmed to be the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy in the Department of Defense. 

The UNRWA accomplishment is quite noteworthy, I doubt that there’s more than one or two others inside the U.S. Government that have worked for UNRWA.  But wait there’s more.  Maher was the President of the SJP, Students for Justice in Palestine while at Georgetown University. 

The SJP is a radical student group that has been quite vocal and violent against Jewish students and Pro-Palestinian causes on college campuses.

Crucial role a National Security Staff Member plays in decisioning on speed of aid to Israel

America is a diverse country and in 2024, there will be multiple backgrounds represented inside the U.S. Government, as there should be.  However, the National Security Council position that Maher encumbers maintains significant influence on policy inside any Administration.

If weapons shipments are being slow walked to Israel, there’s a small number of fingerprints that would be on this Action Memo circulated in and through the top levels of the Inter-Agency proceedings of the White House and Departments and Agencies, and Maher’s fingerprints would very likely be part of this finite set.

Having someone with the provocative and extremist job experience of Bitar’s is brazen and over the top.  If Maher wants to be a Palestinian activist, that is totally acceptable – he just needs to be a professional and leave government service.  Doing it on or off the clock like a Portland public school teacher for Antifa is unacceptable.

The post Is there a Rob Malley 2.0 Inside the Biden Team? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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