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Op-Ed: When Fighting Racism Turns Into An Attack On A Former President And Real Victims

It is time we talk about the dangers of fighting racism in the modern world.

The post Op-Ed: When Fighting Racism Turns Into An Attack On A Former President And Real Victims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Donald Trump/ Fulton County Sherriff office

It is time we talk about the dangers of fighting racism in the modern world.

When the world set out to stop what was called discrimination, I believe it came from a good place.

I would like to believe that those people thought they were doing the right thing and that it was all meant for good.

Unfortunately, as time goes by, I am starting to see the adverse effects of fighting this fight.  I say this as a black woman myself who has tried hard to be a good black person and be productive in society.

Do you know what I see as a result of fighting racism? I see anti-white law enforcement officials like Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Letitia James who ignore black crimes and the victims affected all in the name of going after the “racist.”

I also see an unchecked amount of violence from black men, specifically against women and kids.


It doesn’t take long to find mugshots of people the same race as Bragg, James, and Willis committing crimes.

When a state is harboring dangerous, undocumented illegals who have no respect for American laws, coupled with the ghetto cultured blacks who commit a large percentage of crime in the state, we have a national security issue. It’s even more concerning when those state officials ignore the crisis to go fight manufactured racism by attacking President Trump.

March 2024 NYC Crime stats

What I am seeing, I can only describe as an attempt to make real victims and being white, illegal, or taboo to discuss. Do you hear what I am trying to say, my friends?

We’ve fought racism so hard that it is now shameful to be white or a victim of a black person. How do I know this?  Well, for one, black women all over the world in all continents have taken to social media to denounce black men in poverty and gang violence.

What should be noted is that even Louis Farrakhan, the leader of black male celeb types, came out and echoed these sentiments. The black community is in shambles, and the men are not acting as protectors and providers but as predators of their own women and children.

To get to my point, when high-profile cases like George Floyd lacked nuance in the discussion, and then you have black leaders who put attacking Trump over the safety of their own people, fighting racism isn’t helping; it’s become a weapon to discredit white people and real victims of crime. Black men saw the way George Floyd’s death was treated and realized they didn’t have to reach the success of MLK or other civil rights leaders to be seen as “valuable.”

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This mindset, whether people want to admit it or not, is causing a national security issue in America. You have men who have no issue going out in public and committing rape, robbery, or assault on women or kids because they have become a protected class and are aware of their new status.

In the 60s, when thousands of women used their voices to tell the government they weren’t happy, it became a historical event. We are approaching 4 years of black women and white people, for their own safety, divesting from black areas and culture with no word from the Biden administration,

Again, when optics are about going after Donald Trump as the big “racist,” there is no time to protect the public from the other race who commits most of the violence.  We can’t have that because they don’t want to offend the black law enforcement officials they are using to attack Trump.

This is now an attack on real victims. Anyone who is attacked by a non-white is the problem. If you speak out, you’re a racist. You must stay silent because it can hurt the ongoing attack on the only Politician who never asked black Americans to settle for a life of crime.

Donald Trump

This is all about getting Trump, and sadly, white victims and children in the black community are now collateral damage.

It’s time to stop fighting racism the way we were taught and start holding people accountable for contributing to the dangers in society, and yes, many of those people happen to be black.


The post Op-Ed: When Fighting Racism Turns Into An Attack On A Former President And Real Victims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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