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Leo Hohmann: Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy

This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

The post Leo Hohmann: Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

Some say the coming one-world religion will be Islam. Others say it will be a blended version of the three “Abrahamic” faiths — Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Any of these theories could turn out to be the correct one, but I think Patrick Wood, editor in chief at Technocracy News and Trends, deserves to be heard regarding another possibility. He just released a new article about the fast-spreading earth worship-based One Health Initiative, which is supported and promoted by the United Nations World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation and World Economic Forum all the way down to our state and local healthcare systems. He connects all the dots in the excellent article below, while including helpful graphics and a video. This is something all Christians need to be aware of.

By Patrick Wood at Technocracy.news

The First Amendment starts with, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Congress has largely been asleep as forces with the Administration have proliferated “One Health” policies that seek to merge man and the earth into oneness. However, this is an age-old religion associated with paganism, Wicca, and Gaiaism, and it needs to be called on the carpet for what it is!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines One Health as:

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global levels — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

Another 19 Federal agencies are wrapped into the One Health mantra, having been sucked into the “whole-of-government” vortex created under the Clinton administration. Because of the myriad regulations created to enforce it, states, counties, and cities are steeped in it.

The pictorial below depicts a minuscule man relating to public health, global health, one health, and finally, planetary health. Since the planet is sick, mostly by the actions of man, it needs to be healed, resuscitated and made whole again.

Gaia Worship, Wicca and Paganism

One occultic site explains:

Gaianism is an earth-centered philosophical, spiritual, holistic, scientifically-rational, opinion that shares expressions with various religions such as earth religions and paganism while not identifying exclusively with any specific one.

Practitioners of Gaianism are called “Gaians”, or sometimes Gaianists. Followers typically approach the philosophy with the perspective that we should honor the earth, reduce or soften the human impact on the earth, and be respectful of all life on earth. The latter perspective is extended to all forms of life such as plant, animal, or human, and followers will often try to maintain a close relationship with the planet.

Another site dedicated to Wicca states:

In a world buzzing with technology and fast-paced living, reconnecting with the profound energies of the earth has become more important than ever. One fascinating facet of this connection is the concept of Gaia, a deity embodying the Earth itself in various spiritual traditions.

Gaia: The Earth Mother
Gaia, often revered as the Earth Mother, symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living things. Drawing inspiration from ancient Greek mythology, Gaia is the primal goddess who birthed the Titans and gave life to the world. In modern contexts, Gaia is embraced by practitioners of various spiritual paths, including Wicca and Paganism, as a representation of the Earth’s nurturing and life-giving essence.

The Spirit of Gaia in Wicca
For Wiccans, Gaia is an elemental force intricately woven into the fabric of their beliefs. The reverence for nature and its cycles aligns seamlessly with the Wiccan wheel of the year, where practitioners celebrate the changing seasons and honor the Earth’s bountiful gifts. Gaia’s presence is palpable in rituals that emphasize grounding, connecting with the land, and fostering a harmonious relationship with the environment.

In Paganism, “human beings are seen as part of nature, along with other animals, trees, stones, plants and everything else that is of this earth.”

James Lovelock, Technocrat

The “inventor” of Gaiaism was scientist James Lovelock (1918-2022), a climate alarmist who pictured the earth as a living organism. He was also a Technocrat who stated “We need a more authoritarian world. We’ve become a sort of cheeky, egalitarian world where everyone can have their say […] it may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

Two scholars at the University of Westminster continued,

This threat of eco-authoritarianism is often linked to a rising tendency towards technocracy, which suggests that decisions should be left to those with relevant scientific and technical expertise: this, it is implied, will speed up decision-making and generate more effective green outcomes.

New State-mandated Religion

Since One Health has been crammed down our throats by the government, it is safe to say that a new state-mandated religion has been declared. The final proof is this: just try to criticize it (especially if you are a Christian) and see where it gets you.

To receive new posts and support Leo Hohmann’s work, consider becoming a paid subscriber if you aren’t yet at leohohmann.substack.com

The post Leo Hohmann: Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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