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«Мама, а ты моя?» Как супруги из Белгородского района стали опекунами для троих детей

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I won £80k lottery jackpot but ‘benefits rule’ I had NO idea about saw my payments stop – now my jackpot is gone

A GRANDAD who won a £80k lottery jackpot saw his payments stop thanks to a little known “benefits rule”.

Daniel Millar was over the moon after bagging the life-changing sum in September 2017 and spent the whopping prize in just two months.

Daily Record/Media Scotland
Daniel Millar splurged the lotto cash on a cruise and two trips to Benidorm[/caption]
Daily Record/Media Scotland
Daniel – who is registered disabled – said he regretted winning it[/caption]

The disabled granddad splurged the cash over several weeks on a cruise, two trips to Benidorm, renovations to his house, and handed out cash to his family, friends, and neighbours.

But he said the win turned into a nightmare after his benefits were stopped by the government.

Daniel say that when the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) discovered the windfall they stopped several benefits.

The former security guard no longer qualified for income support, housing benefit, a council tax reduction or any other means-tested handouts.

Daniel told the Daily Record newspaper at the time of the heartache: “In December, I got a letter from the DWP saying I had to go to an appointment.

“They then told me I had been reported by the tax office for having £80,000 in my bank.”

He said: “I have to pay full rent and council tax so we have little left to live on.

“My wife, who is my carer, gets £62 a week.”

Daniel, who won the jackpot seven years ago, went on: “She has to put that aside to pay other bills like gas, electric and phone.”

His wife Bridget said the couple were being punished for having a bit of luck.

She said: “The DWP have said we aren’t entitled to any money. They say that we have deprived ourselves of capital and don’t qualify for the benefits.

“We just don’t know what we will do.”

The DWP declined to comment but had previously said: “It’s very important that people tell us of any changes to their circumstances so they can receive the right support.”

Daniel, from Motherwell, Scotland, failed to tell the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) about scooping the windfall, according to reports.

As such, the DWP confirmed he no longer qualifies for income support, housing benefit and council tax reduction.

It comes after winners who have also won far larger prizes in the lottery have regretted their win.

Lotto expert's top tips for winners

By Jemma Carr

1 – And breathe: You didn’t have the money yesterday so there is no need to rush. There is rarely anything that needs doing now so take some time to plan and dream. You’ve just won mega amounts of money – allow yourself some time to get used to that fact. People hope and dream that they will win The National Lottery, and sometimes even talk about what they will do when they win but these ideas often change once it actually happens, especially when it’s an amount this big.

2 – Take a holiday: If feasible, get yourself away for a few weeks. We all use breaks away from home as a time to think and with your new massive bank balance, you need that time. We encourage winners to take a break – even just for a few days away to let the win sink in.

3 – Treat yourself: You’ve just won over £100M – buy yourself something you’ve always wanted but couldn’t ever justify! It could be a handbag, a pair of shoes or a coat, it can help you get your head around the win and make it all feel a bit more real.

4 – Take advice from professionals: This is an incredible amount of money and you are going to need some support. Surround yourself with a good team of professional people that you trust to help with managing your affairs. We will introduce you to people who can help give you some excellent advice.  

5 – Get the important documents sorted:  It isn’t just all about the cheque. Wills and Powers of Attorney are really important documents to have and listen to any advice around gifting, inheritance tax and trusts. It is important to do some financial planning and get your legal affairs in order.

6 – Giving:  We know lottery winners are a generous bunch but have a think about the gifts you want to give. Talk to the recipients first, what do you want the gift to achieve? How do they feel about that? Try not to get fixated on an amount, how can your life-changing win make a difference to the people you love?

7 – Establish your purpose: You’ve won a life-changing amount of money, it’s highly likely you might want to think about if you want to stay in your current job, if not, what are you going to do instead? Are you going to volunteer or set up your own charity? Start a business, perhaps? What’s your purpose and what are your aims now? We all need a reason to get out of bed – it’s unlikely it will be your old job so what’s it going to be?

8 – Talk to other lottery winners: You are in a unique club now. Other members of the millionaire club are the best possible source of advice. They will know how you feel, and it’s great to exchange stories with them. We offer the opportunity for publicity and non-publicity winners to meet each other at various occasions.

9 – Keep in contact with your Winners’ Advisor: At Camelot, we pride ourselves on the ongoing support we provide to people going through this amazing experience. We will be there every step of the way to guide you and introduce you to experts who can help, from private bankers, solicitors, financial planners, a life coach and even a luxury concierge company.

10 – Celebrate it! In whatever way suits you – whether it’s with a glass of fizz or a cup of tea, mark the occasion and make sure you create memories.  The story of your lottery win will be passed down through generations as a family legend! Make sure you record it with photos, diaries and keepsakes.

Mark Gardiner, from Hastings, won £22,590,829 with his mate in 1995 and says it ruined his life as pals turned on him and investments went sour.

When he and pal Paul Maddison won the huge fortune, Mark thought his problems would disappear overnight but despite his wealth he regrets winning in many ways.

Mark said in 2005: “There are days when I curse my win and wish I’d never got involved.

“But I guess if I woke up one day and saw my rusty old van and bank loan and realised I’d dreamt all this up that would be pretty frightening, too.”

Meanwhile, a sad dad thought he’d snagged a £50,000 lotto jackpot – only to find out the following day he won just £2.

Nathan Moody, 25, was planning on buying a car and taking his three children on holiday before the devastating news halted his plans.

And one couple thought they had banked an incredible £182million – only to be told a payment issue meant they could not claim the prize.

Remember to gamble responsibly

A responsible gambler is someone who:

  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
  • Only gambles with money they can afford to lose
  • Never chase their losses
  • Doesn’t gamble if they’re upset, angry, or depressed
  • GambleAlert – gamblealert.org
  • Gamble Aware – www.begambleaware.org

Find our detailed guide on responsible gambling practices here.

For help with a gambling problem, call the GambleAlert Helpline on +234 9162957989.

Daily Record/Media Scotland
Millar claimed to be living in poverty[/caption]

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