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Как жили виноделы в годы горбачевской антиалкогольной кампании

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Вдохновленный «Кин-дза-дзой!» В Москве появился «Кристалл представления»

Сальников, Бобылева, Крусанов: байк-фестиваль «Движение» в Екатеринбурге подготовил сюрприз для книгочеев

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Campus protests: Switch out the word ‘Jew’ and replace it with ‘Black’

Campus protests: Switch out the word ‘Jew’ and replace it with ‘Black’

As to the signs held by and the slogans chanted by the “pro-Palestinian” protesters, switch out the words “Jew” or “Jewish” and insert the word “black.” The nationwide George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020 would then look like a knitting circle.

President Joe Biden condemned “the antisemitic protests,” but added, “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”

Filmmaker Michael Moore said: “None of them are committing any acts of violence. None of them are destroying the university. Worst maybe, in some people’s minds, they’re doing is holding signs that say ‘Free Palestine’ or ‘From the river to the sea.’ This is the one that is constantly being thrown out there. Oh, look at this, this sign is frightening all the students, ‘From the river to the sea.’ And it’s like, well, why don’t you talk to them?”

Late-night comic Stephen Colbert said: “The protests ramped up a couple of weeks ago, after students erected tents on Columbia University’s main lawn to show solidarity with Gaza, and the university president took the controversial step of calling in the police to arrest those involved. Now, even if you don’t agree with the subject of their protests, as long as they are peaceful, students should be allowed to protest.”

But there has been violence, property damage and threats against Jewish students.

At Columbia, protesters stormed and occupied a building. Just The News reports the widespread college campus protests so far amount to “millions of dollars in estimated damages.” And what about obstructing students, faculty and administrators from their activity? In some cases, students could not enter the campus library. Classes have been moved online.

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, a Northern California public university, explained that it shut down its campus “due to ongoing occupation of Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall, as well as continued challenges with individuals breaking laws in the area surrounding the buildings and the quad.”

Columbia professor Gil Zussman, a member of the Columbia Task Force on Antisemitism, said: “I am particularly disappointed in the small group of Columbia and Barnard faculty that are either encouraging students to break university rules or are standing by while the students are doing that. Such actions by students may have lasting impacts on their lives, while the faculty would not be affected.”

A Jewish Columbia student filed a lawsuit against the university for failing to provide “a safe educational environment.” The student’s lawyer said: “There are straight-out calls for the genocide of Jews.” The lawsuit says: “The encampment has been the center of round-the-clock harassment of Jewish students, who have been punched, shoved, spat upon, blocked from attending classes and moving freely about campus, and targeted by pro-terrorist hate speech — both verbal and in written form on massive banners and signs — with statements such as: ‘Death to the Jews’; ‘Long live Hamas’; ‘Globalize the Intifada …’”

How out of touch are these protesters? A new Harvard-Harris survey shows 80% of registered voters support Israel over Hamas; 61% want a cease-fire only if Hamas is removed; and over 70% want the Israelis to move into Rafah and finish the job.

This is not complicated. Hamas committed the worst attack against Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas still has hostages, including five Americans. For defending itself and for going after an enemy that imbeds itself with civilians, Israel stands accused of “genocide.”

Jewish News Syndicate writes: “The truth is, the Israel Defense Force does its utmost to avoid civilian casualties. The IDF’s Code of Ethics stresses the importance of protecting civilians no matter what ‘side’ they are on. By contrast, Palestinian terrorists deliberately put civilians in harm’s way in a cynical attempt to defame the Jewish state.” For this reason, retired British Col. Richard Kemp called the Israeli military “the most moral army in the history of warfare.”

What should happen to students who obstruct campus life, chant antisemitic slogans and refuse to comply with instructions to stand down?

By the way, do these disruptive, anti-Israel and, in many cases, anti-Jew protesters still get student debt forgiveness?

Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit www.LarryElder.com. Follow Larry on Twitter @larryelder.

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