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I suffered severe hair loss – my 7-step plan helped me grow it back, I do a bi-weekly treatment religiously

A BALDING woman shared the seven-step plan that helped her get her hair back.

People say they saw dramatic results in her hair in a matter of months.

A woman shared her seven-step routine for hair growth[/caption]

Redditor Natashag04 shared the haircare routine in a post.

Natasha explained that at 22, she’d been facing severe hair loss as a side effect of her steroid medications to treat her health problems.

“When I started feeling well and stopped steroids, all my hair started to fall out. There was a time in 2022 when I had only one-fifth of my hair left on my head,” she said.

A year after stopping her steroid use, she decided to take matters into her own hands after her hair never returned to how it used to be.

After a series of blood tests that determined her vitamin deficiencies, she mapped out a course of action.

She began with daily supplements in the morning, afternoon, and night.

In the morning, she started with calcium supplements, then added in an iron supplement, Adgain plus capsules, flax seed oil capsules for omega 3, 6, and 9, and Becosules for vitamins B and C in the afternoon.

    In the evenings, she ended with magnesium glycinate supplements.

    When it came to diet, she realized she was severely undereating her protein at just 20 grams per day.

    She began to change up her diet and added in vegan protein powder to bring her daily protein intake to 60 grams.

    Next, she added two tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds to her diet to prevent DHT, a hormone that causes baldness.

    ” I did read somewhere that they help in reducing DHT though I have no idea how much of that is true and how effective that really is but there is nothing to lose,” she said.

    Natasha revealed that she’s a firm believer in scalping oil to improve blood flow and circulation.

    “I started religiously oiling my hair twice a week. (One time with two tablespoons of almond oil with 20 drops of Soulflower Rosemary essential oil. Second time one tbsp almond oil and one tablespoon castor oil with 20 drops of Soulflower Rosemary essential oil),” she said.

    My scalp has been at its healthiest when I shampoo every day with a mild shampoo and once a week use a clarifying shampoo.

    Redditor Natashag04

    The haircare enthusiast also added Minamalist’s Hair Growth Actives Serum into her routine, though she was unsure about its impact.

    “This is something that I’m not sure played too much of a difference,” she admitted.

    “Though I did use about a dropper full of it and massaged my scalp for 5 minutes every night but since I was doing a lot of other things, I can’t really vouch for its effectiveness.”

    Another product she’s introduced to her routine is rosemary water.

    Natasha explained that switching up her shampoo and conditioner and her wash cycle also made a dramatic difference.

    “Many of you might not agree with me on this but I do wash my scalp every single day,” she said.

    “The days I don’t, I end up losing even more hair. Some of us just have an extremely oily scalp.

    “Before my illness, I did try to ‘train’ my scalp a couple of times but in vain. My scalp has been at its healthiest when I shampoo every day with a mild shampoo and once a week use a clarifying shampoo.”

    Two to three times a week, she also uses a pea-sized amount of the Bare Anatomy’s Leave-In Conditioner.

    After five months of implementing her new changes, she shared before and after photos that showed off the difference it made in her hair growth and scalp health.

    Many were impressed with her growth results and thanked her for her thorough routine and haircare advice.

    “It’s soooo noticeable! I’m happy you’re doing better now and found a routine that’s working so well for you,” said one commenter.

    “Amazing progress! And I shampoo almost every day too, changed my hair!” said another.

    “Seventy percent of the frizziness reduced and the ball of hair I used to find after the shampoo is nearly nonexistent.”

    She shared her hair growth progress after a few months[/caption]
    People say they saw a huge difference in her scalp health[/caption]

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