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Americans arrested in Turks and Caicos face 12 years in prison over 'innocent mistake': 'Never dawned on us'

Americans arrested in Turks and Caicos face 12 years in prison over 'innocent mistake': 'Never dawned on us'

Americans detained in Turks and Caicos are facing up to 12 years in prison for inadvertently having stray ammo in their bags in the Turks and Caicos airport.

EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Americans are facing minimum 12-year prison sentences for unknowingly having ammunition or bullets in their luggage while traveling home from Turks and Caicos.

Ryan Watson, a father of two from Oklahoma, and Tyler Wenrich, a father of a 1-year-old toddler from Virginia, were both arrested and detained this month after Turks and Caicos airport security found bullets in their luggage while they were returning from their vacations on the island. 

"At some point, [airport security] extracted a baggie that had four hunting bullets that I use for deer hunting. And I was just as surprised as anybody else that they made that discovery," Watson told Fox News Digital. "I don't recall ever putting those bullets in that bag. I can make an assumption that I used that bag on weekend trips and I had — back in November — used that bag … for my deer-hunting trip in Texas."

Now, Watson — who was celebrating several of his friends' 40th birthdays on the islands — faces a minimum of 12 years in prison if his efforts for justice in court aren't successful. A recent mandate passed in February subjects Turks and Caicos tourists to more than a decade of prison time for leaving the country with bullets in their bags. His wife, Valerie, was arrested alongside her husband on April 12, but authorities released her on Tuesday.


"I thought that was an intimidation tactic at first," Ryan Watson said of the potential 12-year sentence that was explained to him upon his arrest.


Watson was released on $15,000 bail after the driver he hired for his weeklong vacation put up his vehicle "as what they call surety," Watson said. 

"So it has to be a local that has an asset of the equivalent value of your bail. And so he put up his vehicle, which is his way to make a living. He put up the title of that vehicle in order for us to get bail," Watson explained. 

The father of two is now staying at a local residence because he cannot leave Turks and Caicos under the conditions of his release until his trial.

The Oklahoma father has been in touch with at least five other Americans who are facing the same fate, including Tyler Wenrich, who remains in jail after being arrested on April 20.

"Double check. Triple check. Quadruple check. Because … an innocent mistake like this now has … it's affecting a lot of families," Wenrich's father, Michael Wenrich, told Fox News Digital. 


Both men, who are legal gun owners in the U.S., got through TSA security in American airports without being flagged prior to their trips. 

Now, TSA is investigating Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, where Watson flew out of to get to the islands. 

"We had no intentions of ever bringing anything into this country. … It was just trying to pack board shorts and flip-flops, and that was all we were concerned about bringing," Watson said. "So … it never dawned on us to research any of these things. And there are a lot of locals that have been just such a blessing and have had such gracious hearts."

Valerie Watson similarly said her family realizes their story "may hurt" tourism in Turks and Caicos, which her family does not want to happen because the locals they met there "are such good-hearted people."

Wenrich flew from Virginia to Florida, where he boarded a Royal Caribbean cruise for a "wedding party," all without the bullets being detected, his dad said. The cruise docked, and the party spent some time in Grand Turk before Wenrich was eventually detained when he was caught with two stray bullets in his bag while returning home.

The U.S. Embassy in the Bahamas currently has a travel alert that says "[f]irearms, ammunition (including stray bullets), and other weapons are not permitted in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI)," adding that "TCI authorities strictly enforce all firearms-and-ammunition-related laws."

"The penalty for traveling to TCI with a firearm, ammunition, or other weapon can result in a minimum custodial sentence of twelve (12) years," the Embassy states in the alert. "If you bring a firearm or ammunition into TCI, even inadvertently, we will not be able to secure your release from custody. You are subject to TCI laws and must follow local law enforcement procedures."

Valerie thanked the public and government leaders for their outpouring of support for her family, saying she and their children just want Ryan home.

"We really strive to just raise our kids to be good people. We strive to be good people and do good for others. We would never intentionally do anything that would put anybody in harm," she said. " And the amount of support that people have shown us through all of this in just so many different ways, through prayer, through the GoFundMe … our government officials, doing everything they can to help and support us. I mean, it is humbling and we are so grateful. … We want Ryan to come home so that he can be with our kids and our family."

Both Watson and Wenrich are set to appear in court on June 7.

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