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I’m in love with my tradwife sister-in-law, I’m desperate to ditch my workaholic spouse for her instead

A HUSBAND has sparked a fierce debate after disclosing he’s in love with his “tradwife” sister-in-law — the antithesis of his workaholic spouse who refuses to give him children.

The wandering-eyed man, 35, made the confession in the “TrueOffMyChest” forum, admitting that he “really wants” kids and that his sister-in-law seems to be a “fabulous mother.”

A man has admitted he has a wandering eye for his tradwife sister-in-law

The wannabe dad added that neither his wife nor the sister-in-law have any idea about his lustful secret.

“It’s 6:01 am and I’ve been up all night,” the sleepless man moaned, before describing the object of his affection, who is married to his wife’s brother.

“We’ll call her Kelly,” he said of his sister-in-law, whom he has known for 13 years. 

“She’s somehow girl-next-door-cute and the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”

The anguished Redditor admitted that he fell for Kelly “very slowly,” adding: “I never intended to fall in love with her but honestly, everyone around her does. 

“She’s smart and kind and possibly the funniest person I’ve ever met.

“She comes at everyone with understanding and kindness, no matter how they come at her.

“And probably most importantly, she’s a fabulous mother.”

The man disclosed that Kelly and her husband, whom he called “Bill,” have three kids under the age of 5 and have a picture-perfect suburban life.

“Kelly is basically a tradwife,” he said, using a term referring to a “traditional wife” who has proudly eschewed a career in favour of domestic duties, such as cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing. 

What is a tradwife?

A tradwife (short for traditional wife) is a woman who chooses to take on an ultra traditional role in marriage, meaning she makes dinner and looks pretty whilst her husband goes to work.

The trend takes inspiration from the idea of a 1950s housewife.

Many tradwives choose to dress in the style of clothing popular in this period (think floral dresses and frumpy cardigans).

Additionally, the values considered important to tradwvies are similar to strict Christian values.

Tradwives state that they are not forced into this way of life, and believe that it is their purpose to be homemakers.

“She’s a fabulous cook, she makes everything from scratch (including fresh pasta),” he continued.

“Her house is cute and clean and lived in, not perfect by any means, but so homey and comfy — so many thoughtful details and so well organised. 

“The kids are adorable and funny and she’s clearly such a loving and patient mom.”

The man then described his own wife, describing her as “very ambitious and career-oriented” and didn’t like to cook or clean.

He also claimed his spouse was very judgmental, particularly of Kelly, who is “really into fashion and skincare and working out.”

The Redditor also claimed that his wife had only decided that she did not want to have children after they got married – a decision that devastated him.

“These feelings [for Kelly] really came to the surface after my wife told me she didn’t want kids [three years ago],” he said. “It was just very heartbreaking for me.”

The lovelorn man said he felt he had no choice but to sit his wife down and confess his desire to be a dad, saying: “It’s likely the end of my marriage and the end of my connection to Kelly, which is probably a good thing.”

Many Reddit users were surprisingly sympathetic to the man, saying his situation was understandable.

“I don’t think this marriage is worth it,” one wrote. “You and your wife want two different things in life.”

You’re in love with a fantasy, it’s not real — but you are also not in love with your wife

Reddit user

However, others told the man to “get off ‘tradwife’ TikTok’” and stop fantasising about his sister-in-law.

“I would get a therapist, who will probably tell you to grow up and work on your marriage,” one snarked.

“You’re in love with a fantasy, it’s not real — but you are also not in love with your wife,” a second said.

“It sounds like you resent your wife, and that she is not like Kelly and also she talks negatively about her,” they continued, before finishing with a warning: “You need to leave this marriage before your ‘feelings’ implode this family.”

This story was orginally published on the NY Post and has been republished here with permission.

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