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The top 15 companies for career growth if you work in the US, according to LinkedIn

JPMorgan Chase & Co. was at the top of LinkedIn's new company list focused on career growth. Verizon and Northrop Grumman were part of the top 15.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • LinkedIn published a ranking of the best large companies for career growth in the US.
  • Amazon ranked No. 2; Northrop Grumman rounded out the top 15.
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co. ranked No. 1 and was one of the financial-services firms among the top 15.

LinkedIn released its annual US list of the best big employers for career growth this week, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. ranked No. 1.

A few kinds of employers emerge among LinkedIn's top 15 large companies for US career growth including financial-services giants like JPMorgan and Wells Fargo, telecom companies AT&T and Verizon, and the Big Four accounting firms Deloitte and PwC.

"This year's honorees are proving that investment in the employee experience is vital in today's workplaces," the report said. "Whether it's launching upskilling initiatives or offering flexible working arrangements, these are the companies leading the way in not only attracting workers, but retaining them in our ever-changing world of work."

The career-growth ranking was released amid a robust but slower job market with fewer job openings and quits than during the wild recovery from the pandemic. The labor market has been looking more Goldilocks-like, where it's not too hot or not too cold.

"Job seekers still have some bargaining power but are less willing to demonstrate that power by leaving their jobs," Nick Bunker, economic research director for North America at the Indeed Hiring Lab, recently told Business Insider. "With fewer new job opportunities and less of a pay bump for switching roles, more employees are staying put. However, layoff rates are still low, so workers have robust job security compared to pre-pandemic levels."

Not all companies qualified for the ranking. One of the requirements was size: "To be eligible, companies must have had 5,000 or more global employees with at least 500 in the country as of Dec. 31, 2023," the report said. Workforce layoffs was another factor, per the methodology. A few kinds of workplaces were also excluded, such as government agencies.

Skills growth, gender diversity, and the ability to advance were three of the eight "pillars" used for this list. Ability to advance covered "employee promotions within a company and when they move to a new company, based on standardized job titles," per the methodology.

"Our methodology uses LinkedIn data to rank companies based on eight pillars that have been shown to lead to career progression," the report said.

Below are the top 15 places.

15. Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman at Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition
Northrop Grumman at Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition.

The new LinkedIn report listed aerospace engineering, fluid mechanics, and aircraft management as the most notable skills at this employer. Three kinds of engineering jobs were listed as the most common job titles. These were system engineer, software engineer, and manufacturing engineer.

14. Capital One
People at a Capital One location
Capital One.

A lot of workers use artificial intelligence in different industries. AI was also noted as one of the most notable skills for Capital One in the new report. As was the case for Northrop Grumman, software engineer was listed as one of the most common job titles. The other two titles listed for this financial-services employer were product manager and business analyst.

13. Mastercard
The Mastercard logo on a New York Stock Exchange screen.
The Mastercard logo on a New York Stock Exchange screen.

Product management was listed as one of the largest job functions at Mastercard, and it was listed as one of the most notable skills. That makes sense given that product manager was listed as one of the most common job titles at this company in the new report. Software Development Life Cycle and the programming-language SQL were the two other noteworthy skills stated in the LinkedIn report for this workplace.

12. Bank of America
Person walks by a Bank of America location
A Bank of America location.

The LinkedIn report listed commercial banking, capital markets, and investment banking as the most notable skills for Bank of America. While finance was listed as part of the biggest job functions, business development and sales were considered main functions too.

Christie Gragnani-Woods, senior vice president for Bank of America's external community partnerships and regional banking talent acquisition executive, previously told Business Insider this employer likes to see talent who are team-oriented and "those that thrive on engaging with customers."

11. General Motors
General Motors
General Motors.

Based on the most common job titles listed in the new report, it's common to find people at General Motors working as engineers. The most common titles listed were software engineer, manufacturing engineer, and automotive engineer. Given that, it makes sense that engineering was also listed as part of the biggest job functions. IT was another big one.

10. Alphabet Inc.
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, speaking
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet.

The most notable skills for Alphabet per the LinkedIn report were mobile application development, AI, and signal processing. Program and product management were listed as part of the largest job functions, and program and product managers were included as part of the most common roles.

9. Moderna
Moderna logo
Moderna logo.

Research, operations, and engineering were stated in the LinkedIn report as the largest job functions for Moderna. Quality assurance specialists can be commonly found at this employer based on titles listed in the new LinkedIn report.

8. Verizon
People walking by a Verizon location
A Verizon location.

Two different kinds of sales skills were listed as part of the most notable skills for Verizon in the report: inside sales and sales leads. Given this is a telecom company, it makes sense that telecommunications was another noteworthy skill. Customer service representatives can be commonly found at Verizon, per the report.

7. AT&T
AT&T store
AT&T store.

Like Verizon, telecommunications was among the most notable skills at AT&T. The two other skills listed in the LinkedIn report for AT&T were industrial design and web hosting. Sales is one of the biggest job functions at this employer per the report.

6. UnitedHealth Group
UnitedHealth Group logo
UnitedHealth Group logo.

The common roles at UnitedHealth Group per the report include project manager, software engineer, and customer service representative. Given this is a healthcare company, it makes sense that healthcare management and public health were among the most notable skills. And while healthcare services is big at this employer, another main job function per the report is IT.

5. PwC

People working at PwC may be especially knowledgeable in taxes. Tax accounting and tax law were listed in the LinkedIn report as part of the most notable skills for this employer. Tax accountant was part of the most common job roles. Relatedly, accounting was listed as one of the biggest job functions at this employer.

"While the majority of our positions require educational degrees, we still look for candidates who have relevant skills and who are committed to continuing to learn at every stage of their career," Rod Adams, PwC talent acquisition and onboarding leader, previously told Business Insider in a statement. "We know that our people's skills, experiences and perspectives are essential to our firm, and we'll continue to focus on attracting and retaining people who can help PwC grow and succeed."

4. Deloitte

Like for PwC, two of Deloitte's most notable skills were tax accounting and tax law. Auditing was the third noteworthy skill listed per the report for this employer. Tax accountant was noted as one of the most common job titles. The report listed consulting as one of the biggest job functions at this employer.

"We provide a wide variety of services to our clients, which means we source talent across specialties, including business-tax professionals, certified public accountants, clinicians, and software engineers," David Rizzo, national managing principal of talent strategy and operations for Deloitte, said in an as-told-to essay for Business Insider. "Other roles that people may not know about at Deloitte are climate scientists, brand marketers, writers, graphic designers, forensics lawyers, user-experience and user-interface designers, and product developers."

3. Wells Fargo
People walk by a Wells Fargo location
A Wells Fargo location.

Like many other companies that made the top 15, software engineer was one of the most common job titles for Wells Fargo per the report. The other two noted were banker and business consultant. Commercial banking, capital markets, and debt collection were the skills noted as most notable for this employer in the report. Sales was also listed as one of the largest job functions for this place.

2. Amazon
Amazon fulfillment center
Amazon fulfillment center.

Workers at Amazon may be familiar with AI and also human computer interaction as these were listed as among the most notable skills for this employer in the LinkedIn report. Supply chain associate is one common role at Amazon, per LinkedIn, along with software engineers and package handlers.

1. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. had the same three skills listed as the most notable ones as Bank of America: commercial banking, capital markets, and investment banking. Project manager was one of the most common job titles listed for JPMorgan Chase & Co. in the report. While finance is a main job-function area, so is engineering and business development per LinkedIn's findings.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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