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В Москве мужчина ударил бывшую жену ножом в торговом центре

СК: в Москве мужчина набросился на экс-супругу с ножом в ТЦ

Жителей Москвы предупредили о притворяющихся коммунальщиками мошенниках

Филипп Киркоров заявил, что Алла Пугачева вернется в Россию

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Travel warning to Brits heading for flood-hit Dubai as passengers told ‘do not go to the airport’

DUBAI has seen huge torrential rain and flooding in recent days, which has resulted in flights being diverted and cancelled.

As much as a year’s worth of rain fell in 24 hours, with images showing shopping centres and cars underwater while planes struggled to land on the wet tarmac.

Travellers are being told not to go to Dubai Airport after the huge flooding[/caption]
Airlines have warned passengers to expect delays and cancellations[/caption]
Nearly 50 flights were cancelled yesterday, with four more from the UK cancelled today[/caption]

Thousands of Brits are expected to be affected, with more than a million visiting Dubai for winter sun every year.

However, Dubai International Airport – one of the busiest in the world – has warned travellers not to go to the airport after being forced to cancel nearly 50 flights yesterday.

They said: “We advise you NOT to come to the airport, unless absolutely necessary. Flights continue to be delayed and diverted. 

“Please check your flight status directly with your airline.

“We are working hard to recover operations as quickly as possible in very challenging conditions.”

Dubai’s airport CEO Mr Griffiths told local media: “In living memory, I don’t think anyone has ever seen conditions like it.”

The following flights have been cancelled from the UK today:

  • 7:20am – London Gatwick to Dubai with Emirates
  • 9:50am – Manchester Airport to Dubai with Emirates
  • 11:10am – London Heathrow to Dubai with Emirates
  • 12:55pm – London Heathrow to Dubai with British Airways

Along with cancelling a flight, two British Airways flights have also been diverted.

A spokesperson told Sun Online Travel: “Like other airlines, we’ve had to adjust our schedule to Dubai due to ongoing restrictions at the airport caused by the adverse weather conditions.

“Our teams are in contact with affected customers providing support and rebooking options.”

And Emirates has suspended check in for passengers departing Dubai until the end of today.

The airline’s statement said: “Emirates is suspending check-in for passengers departing Dubai effective 8am on April 17 until midnight (12am, April 18) due to operational challenges caused by bad weather and road conditions.

“Affected customers can contact their booking agent or Emirates contact centre for rebooking.

The airport is filling up and there’s nowhere for anyone to go

Bilal, 25

“Passengers arriving in Dubai and already in transit will continue to be processed for their flights.”

Customers are also being told to expect delays, and to check the flight schedule on the website.

Passengers have said they’ve been left stranded at the airport after arriving and having no way of leaving.

Traveller Bilal, who arrived from Hong Kong yesterday evening, told CNN: “The airport is literally filling up and there’s nowhere for anyone to go.”

Another person said there were “people sleeping in the metro station and airport” because they couldn’t get a taxi.

Rain is uncommon in the UAE, but it is thought that a combination of a lack of drainage and unusual timing of the raining resulted in the flooding.

It could have also been due to cloud-seeding – which is used in the UAE to increase groundwater supply by flying small planes through clouds while burning salt flares to increase rain.

Meteorologists at the National Centre for Meteorology said they flew six or seven cloud-seeding flights before the huge rainfall.

Flight compensation rules

What are my rights if my flight is cancelled or delayed?

Under UK law, airlines have to provide compensation if your flight arrives at its destination more than three hours late.

If you’re flying to or from the UK, your airline must let you choose a refund or an alternative flight.

You will be able to get your money back for the part of your ticket that you haven’t used yet.

So if you booked a return flight and the outbound leg is cancelled, you can get the full cost of the return ticket refunded.

But if travelling is essential, then your airline has to find you an alternative flight. This could even be with another airline.

When am I not entitled to compensation?

The airline doesn’t have to give you a refund if the flight was cancelled due to reasons beyond their control, such as extreme weather.

Disruptions caused by things like extreme weather, airport or air traffic control employee strikes or other ‘extraordinary circumstances’ are not eligible for compensation.

Some airlines may stretch the definition of the “extraordinary circumstances” but you can challenge them through the aviation regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Will my insurance cover me if my flight is cancelled?

If you can’t claim compensation directly through the airline, your travel insurance may refund you.

Policies vary so you should check the small print, but a delay of eight to 12 hours will normally mean you qualify for some money from your insurer.

Remember to get written confirmation of your delay from the airport as your insurer will need proof.

If your flight is cancelled entirely, you’re unlikely to be covered by your insurance.

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