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Solving the invasive aquatic weeds problem in Nepal

Water hyacinth, an invasive Amazonian species, clogs Nepal's waterways, suffocating native flora and blocking essential nutrients for aquatic life. A Nepali handicraft collective creatively repurposes its fibre for household items.

Water hyacinth is an economically viable and sustainable fibre source

Originally published on Global Voices

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission.

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission.

This story was originally published by Viola Bordon in Nepali Times. An edited version is republished on Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.

Water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) is an invasive Amazonian species that clogs Nepal’s waterways, suffocating indigenous plants and blocking nutrients needed by fish and aquatic birds. Now, a Nepali handicraft group has found an innovative way to use its fibre to weave everyday household items.

Water hyacinths are an ideal material for ecologically conscious consumers, and the plant’s removal makes way for the regeneration of native aquatic species. Taking a lead in harvesting it is Nepal Knotcraft Center (NKC) which markets knot-based handicrafts through women's entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.

“I am no pioneer, I am building off of a legacy of weaving, empowerment and eco-friendly production,” says Maya Rai, CEO of Nepal Knotcraft Center. “Using water hyacinths provides a sustainable source of fibre, while being ecologically beneficial.”

Nepal Knotcraft Center was established in 1984 by grassroots entrepreneur Shyam Badan Shrestha to encourage local women’s groups to seek innovative and sustainable uses of local Nepali materials to weave products for sale in Nepal and abroad.

Maya Rai (pictured below) herself is the daughter of a weaver from Dhankuta district, and spent her early childhood on a farm before she met her second family and moved to Kathmandu. Rai’s passion for weaving and handicrafts stuck with her, propelling her education in business.

Image via Nepali Times, used with permission.

Image via Nepali Times, used with permission.

Currently, she works with weaving collectives of Indigenous communities across Nepal, elevating traditional knowledge systems and linking products to the global market. She also consults for creative green economy programs and mentors sustainable entrepreneurship projects for youth.

Rai is always on the lookout to introduce inventive and sustainable materials to the craft world. Samples of sage, cardamom, corn husk, cattail, pine needles, and water hyacinth hang on the walls of her office at the Patan Industrial Estate. Although common in craft history, these materials are overlooked in many manufacturing settings.

As a result, knowledge of how to work them is disappearing, yet the need for organic material is increasing in cutting-edge architecture, product design, and material libraries that are looking for sustainable options.

Accessing water hyacinth is complex, says Rai. Not only is the harvest itself difficult, but she has to navigate a web of stakeholders to source water hyacinth from several wetlands, including the Kosi Tappu Wildlife Reserve in the Terai region of eastern Nepal, covering 176 square kilometres (68 square miles) of wetlands. Waterways there are completely clogged with hyacinth, so removing them to weave marketable products is a win-win.

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission

After over a decade of work, Rai is close with community leaders at Kosi Tappu Community Forest which backed her proposal. Rai’s role was of a negotiator, bridging the weavers and the bureaucracy. Her ability to make room for innovations within traditional systems of craft stems from her personal experience.

By obtaining permissions from the Reserve, she cuts the distance between material sourcing and processing, a crucial element in making weaving profitable for the collective at Kosi Tappu. After Rai helped clear the way, the group, primarily made of women, began to source, harvest, process, and ship water hyacinth to the weaving hub in Kathmandu, where this weed is now made into mats, baskets and decorative items.

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission

Image via Nepali Times. Used with permission.

Maya Rai’s work is to combine two simple, sustainable ideas: using organic wovens as an alternative to plastic and synthetic materials which has been an NKC hallmark, and removing invasive species to do so. By purchasing a water hyacinth basket, consumers have a biodegradable option while simultaneously promoting a restorative production that cleans up natural waterways.

Viola Bordon is a Fulbright Researcher studying materials through sculpture with Kathmandu University School of Art.

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