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How to watch MLB live streams: It's opening day for baseball season

Baseball season is finally here, but the viewing options get a bit complicated. We'll teach you all about live streaming the games.

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An aerial view during the 92nd MLB All-Star Game presented by Mastercard at Dodger Stadium on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, California.
An aerial view during the 92nd MLB All-Star Game presented by Mastercard at Dodger Stadium on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, California.

Major League Baseball season is finally here. Spring training finished earlier this week, and the MLB season kicks off today with a scheduled game for every team in the MLB (although rainy conditions in the Northeast have led to some postponements). The viewing situation is complicated, so we've broken down everything you need to know about how to watch MLB live streams. 

The regular season will run through September 29, so you can expect a busy spring and summer of games. Major league baseball games are spread across various channels, including ESPN, TBS, Fox Sports 1 (FS1), the MLB Network, and regional sports networks (usually through FOX, ABC, and NBC). You probably understand your regional sports network better than anyone, so we will focus on live streaming games that are nationally broadcast. There's also MLB.TV, but we'll get to that later. For those without cable, it can be tricky to figure out how to live stream the MLB games without breaking the bank, but we've found some promising options that can get you access to most national games this season.

Whether you're a diehard fan of one team or just looking to catch a game tonight, we've got you covered when it comes to watching the MLB. Keep reading to learn about all of your streaming options, including how to access a free daily game. 

How to watch MLB in the US

Regarding national games, ESPN, TBS, FS1, and the MLB Network will be your go-to. Apple TV+ will also come into play on Friday nights. Your local FOX, ABC, and NBC affiliates (and other regional sports networks) will handle nearby games, so you'll need to check your local listings for that information. As always, every game is subject to blackout in local areas. If you don't have cable, this means it's time to try a live TV streaming service, like Sling TV or Hulu + Live TV, to tap into the national broadcasts. It's worth noting that both Hulu + Live TV and Sling TV might also carry your regional sports network, depending on your area.

Out of these options, Sling TV will be the best bang for your buck. To maximize your baseball viewing options, you'll want to get the Sling Orange and Blue combo plan, which goes for $55 per month (a deal when you consider that each individual plan is $40 per month). Sling Orange has ESPN and TBS, whereas Sling Blue has FS1. To get the MLB Network, you'll need to get the Sports Extra add-on for $11 per month. Your total spending will be $66 per month for this package.

Hulu + Live TV also offers options for some national games, although the service doesn't include the MLB Network. You can watch games on ESPN, TBS, and FS1. Monthly rates start at $76.99. Hulu + Live TV also bundles Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu's on-demand catalog.

DirecTV will be the most expensive option we show you today, but it's also a true devotee's best bet for seeing as many games as possible. The DirecTV Choice package with Sports Pack gets you ESPN, TBS, FS1, and the MLB Network and access to many regional sports networks through the internet option. This will run you about $115.98 per month and comes as part of a 24-month agreement, so read the fine print carefully if you're considering signing up. You can also try Choice with DirecTV Stream for $123.98 per month (currently $98.99 for the first month) if you're looking for something on more of a month-to-month basis. 

On Friday nights, Apple TV+ will be your go-to. The streaming service has the rights to live stream two Friday night baseball games. Subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and come with a one-week free trial.

For $29.99 per month, MLB.TV will live stream the out-of-market MLB games. While this is a relatively pricey option considering that it's missing some games, we're highlighting it because it comes with a free game of the day feature. All you have to do is sign up for an account, and you'll have access to a free game every day. 

How to watch MLB from anywhere

If you want to keep up with baseball while traveling abroad, it might be time to try out a VPN (virtual private network). Virtual private networks change your electronic device's location so you can access websites and apps that might not be available in certain areas. Plus, they're strong ways to boost your online privacy. Since the live TV channels we highlighted require US forms of payment, this is mostly best for Americans who are overseas at the moment and looking to keep up with their existing subscriptions. 

Our go-to suggestion is ExpressVPN, which is straightforward, simple for beginners, and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Check out our ExpressVPN review to learn more.

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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