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Vintage Chicago Tribune: Hippity, hoppity Easter traditions

Vintage Chicago Tribune: Hippity, hoppity Easter traditions

Traditionally, the holiday has brought families together to enjoy a meal and maybe hunt for eggs. In Chicago, it has meant pairing an Easter dress and bonnet with a winter parka. Or, preparing a special dessert for the family dinner table.

Spring has sprung, the daffodils are in bloom.

This means the Easter bunny will be hopping along soon.

Traditionally, the holiday has brought families together to enjoy a meal and maybe hunt for eggs. In Chicago, it has meant pairing an Easter dress and bonnet with a winter parka. Or, preparing a special dessert for the dinner table using a cake mold that has been handed down for generations.

Here’s a look back at some of the customs that make the day unique to our city.

Mego: Easter an odd combo of traditions with roots in religion, history

Making a lamb cake — or jellied vegetable salad

Tribune reporter Kori Rumore recreated the Snowy Lamb Centerpiece recipe, which was described as a "clever variation" on the traditional cake option for Easter when it was originally published in the April 8, 1971, Chicago Tribune. (E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune)
E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune
Tribune reporter Kori Rumore re-created the Snowy Lamb Centerpiece recipe, which was described as a “clever variation” on the traditional cake option for Easter when it was originally published in the April 8, 1971, Chicago Tribune.

A deep dive into the Tribune’s archives led to the discovery of easy, inexpensive retro recipes that are still crowd-pleasers — even if it’s just for comic relief. Here are three concoctions — one boozy, one crunchy and one jiggly. (Is a recipe truly retro if gelatin isn’t somehow incorporated?)

The history of dyeing Easter eggs and a few wacky ways to do it

Embracing warm weather — or snow

Wendy Johnson, 11, manages a big smile for shovel-wielding Elmo Peterson, despite the snow that was coming down like confetti on Chestnut Street, east of Rush Street, on March 29, 1964. Johnson was celebrating her birthday as well as Easter and was enroute with her parents to Fourth Presbyterian Church for Easter Sunday services. (Hardy Wieting/Chicago Tribune)
Wendy Johnson, 11, manages a smile for shovel-wielding Elmo Peterson, despite the snow that was coming down like confetti on Chestnut Street on March 29, 1964. Johnson was celebrating her birthday as well as Easter and was en route with her parents to Fourth Presbyterian Church for Easter Sunday services. (Hardy Wieting/Chicago Tribune)

Since Easter doesn’t occur on the same date each year, the temperature and precipitation values can vary dramatically. Chicago experienced its warmest Easter on April 10, 1977, when the high temperature reached 85 degrees. A record snowfall of 7.1 inches fell at O’Hare International Airport on Easter in 1964 and was also the heaviest snowfall of that year.

Dressing up — like the Brennan family

The Brennan family makes their annual visit to the Tribune Tower to display their Easter outfits on March 25, 1951. Left to right: Theresa Brennan, Aine, 11, Brigid, 10, Rosaleen, 9, Kathleen, 8, Margaret, 7, Thomas Jr., 5, Patrick, 3, Michael, 2, Brian, 10 months, and Thomas Brennan. The Brennans would eventually have 11 children. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)
The Brennan family makes their annual visit to the Tribune Tower to display their Easter outfits on March 25, 1951. Left to right: Theresa Brennan, Aine, 11, Brigid, 10, Rosaleen, 9, Kathleen, 8, Margaret, 7, Thomas Jr., 5, Patrick, 3, Michael, 2, Brian, 10 months, and Thomas Brennan. The Brennans would eventually have 11 children. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)

Easter was a very special event in the Brennan household. It meant celebrating the holiday and spending time with the family and even a rare trip to a restaurant. It also meant dressing alike.

You see, for two decades starting in the late 1940s, Thomas Brennan, with help from wife Theresa, made the matching Easter outfits the family wore each year.

That meant a suit for Thomas and a dress for Theresa.

And dresses for their girls, Aine, Brigid, Rosaleen, Kathleen and Margaret.

And suits for the boys, Thomas Jr., Patrick, Michael, Brian, Sean and Seamus.

Yes, you counted correctly: 11 children.

Taking a trip to the salon — for a ‘big girl’ style

Melayah Muhammad, 4, gets her hair done with careful curls by her mother, Monique Muhammad, at Upscale Salon in Calumet City on April 15, 2006. Melayah is getting her hair done in Shirely Temple curls for Easter Sunday. (Milbert O. Brown/Chicago Tribune)
Melayah Muhammad, 4, gets her hair done with curls by her mother, Monique Muhammad, at Upscale Salon in Calumet City on April 15, 2006. Melayah is getting her hair done in Shirley Temple curls for Easter Sunday. (Milbert O. Brown/Chicago Tribune)

In 2006, Melayah Muhammad joined a long-standing Eastertime ritual in the African American community by which little girls who usually wear braids and ponytails get to wear their hair in straight and curly “big girl” styles for the very first time.

“I don’t know why we make such a big deal over this, but we do,” her mother said. “All the little girls will have their hair down, but you want them all to look unique and different. It makes the girls feel special and grown-up.”

Anticipating baseball’s return

Carlton Fisk returns to a joyous White Sox dugout after a grand slam on April 14, 1981. (David Nystrom/Chicago Tribune)
David Nystrom / Chicago Tribune
Carlton Fisk returns to a joyous White Sox dugout after a grand slam on April 14, 1981. (David Nystrom/Chicago Tribune)

Sometimes Major League Baseball’s season gets underway before Easter, sometimes after. Gates open at Guaranteed Rate Field on Thursday and Wrigley Field on Monday. From a memorable grand slam to early ivy, here are 10 memorable Chicago home openers — 5 for the Cubs and 5 for the White Sox.

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Have an idea for Vintage Chicago Tribune? Share it with Ron Grossman and Marianne Mather at rgrossman@chicagotribune.com and mmather@chicagotribune.com

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