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‘Completely dangerous’ murderer given whole life sentence could be released

‘Anybody that would make that decision to have him released, potentially the blood is on their hands.'

'Completely dangerous' murderer given whole life sentence could be released
The family of Glenda Hoskins say they are ‘petrified’ at the thought of her killer Victor Farrant going free (Picture: PA/Solent)

A rapist who murdered a mum-of-three could be released from his whole life sentence, his victim’s family has been told.

Victor Farrant was jailed in 1998 for killing his former girlfriend Glenda Hoskins and trying to kill another woman. He had previously served a 12-year sentence for rape.

The judge at Winchester Crown Court told him his crimes were ‘so terrible and you are so dangerous’ that he should never be freed.

But Mrs Hoskins’ family have now been informed Farrant has terminal cancer with possibly only weeks to live and so could be released on compassionate leave.

Ian Hoskins, Glenda’s eldest son, warned Farrant is a ‘completely dangerous’ man who could ‘strike again’ if given back his freedom.

The 47-year-old said his family felt ‘rail-roaded’ after they were contacted by officials last Monday to discuss geographical exclusion zones for the murderer.

The Ministry of Justice said no formal application for compassionate leave has yet been made.

‘For anybody that’s got any say in considering this, it’s a completely reckless decision to make,’ Mr Hoskins said.

‘Anybody that would make that decision to have him released, potentially the blood is on their hands.

Pictured: Victor Farrant The family of a murder victim have been left 'petrified' upon learning the convicted rapist who 'brutally' killed their mother may be released from jail despite receiving a life sentence. 'Callous' Victor Farrant became one of Britain?s most notorious killer-fugitives after he drowned mother of three Glenda Hoskins at her home in Portsmouth, Hants, 28 years ago. Despite being told 'you will never be released', the 'vile' murderer may now be freed on compassionate grounds following a cancer diagnosis. Following the news, Mrs Hoskins' family have been left 'extremely scared'. SEE OUR COPY FOR DETAILS. ? Solent News & Photo Agency UK +44 (0) 2380 458800
Victor Farrant became one of Britain’s most notorious killer-fugitives after he drowned mother of three Glenda Hoskins at her home in Portsmouth 28 years ago (Picture: Solent)
Undated handout photo of Glenda Hoskins who was murdered in 1996 by Victor Farrant. The family of Glenda Hoskins are speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again. Farrant was jailed for life in 1998 for the murder of his former girlfriend Glenda and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler. Issue date: Thursday March 28, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story PRISONS Farrant. Photo credit should read: Iain Hoskins/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Undated handout photo of Glenda Hoskins (Picture: Iain Hoskins/PA)
Undated handout photo of Iain Hoskins, the eldest son of Glenda Hoskins who was murdered in 1996 by Victor Farrant. The family of Glenda Hoskins are speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again. Farrant was jailed for life in 1998 for the murder of his former girlfriend Glenda and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler. Issue date: Thursday March 28, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story PRISONS Farrant. Photo credit should read: Iain Hoskins/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Iain Hoskins, the eldest son of Glenda Hoskins, is speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again (Picture: Iain Hoskins/PA)
Undated handout photo of Iain Hoskins, his brother David, and sister Katie with their mother Glenda Hoskins, taken in 1982 in Spain. The family of Glenda Hoskins are speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again. Farrant was jailed for life in 1998 for the murder of his former girlfriend Glenda and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler. Issue date: Thursday March 28, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story PRISONS Farrant. Photo credit should read: Iain Hoskins/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Iain Hoskins, his brother David, and sister Katie with their mother Glenda (Picture: Iain Hoskins/PA)

‘He could strike again, with anybody. It might not be a revengeful or vengeful attack on us or our family.

‘It could be the nurse at the hospice that he’s released to, it could be the woman at the corner shop.’

Of his siblings’ reaction, he said: ‘They obviously feel petrified of this and again, we never, ever saw this coming because the judge’s comments was he should serve life and he will serve life.

‘The fact that he may or may not be dying doesn’t give us any comfort whatsoever. If someone’s got nothing to lose… I think well, what’s to stop him from killing or raping or kidnapping again?’

Farrant was jailed for life for the murder of his former girlfriend Mrs Hoskins, 44, and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler, 45, at Winchester Crown Court in 1998.

Sentencing him, Mr Justice Butterfield had said: ‘This murder was so terrible and you are so dangerous that in your case the sentence of life should mean just that.

‘You should never be released.’

BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE Undated family handout photo of Glenda Hoskins, who was murdered in 1996 by Victor Farrant, taken in 1995 a year before her murder. The family of Glenda Hoskins are speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again. Farrant was jailed for life in 1998 for the murder of his former girlfriend Glenda and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler. Issue date: Thursday March 28, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story PRISONS Farrant. Photo credit should read: Iain Hoskins/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Undated family handout photo of Glenda Hoskins (Picture: Iain Hoskins/PA)

Farrant had been jailed in November 1988 for a total of 12 years for rape and other offences.

He was released on November 7, 1995, just weeks before he savagely beat Ms Fidler at her home in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

Six weeks later, he murdered accountant Mrs Hoskins at her luxury waterside home in Portsmouth by pushing her under the water in the bath.

He left her body in the attic where it was found by her 15-year-old daughter Katie.

After killing Mrs Hoskins, Farrant went on the run and was eventually found in the south of France.

Mr Hoskins questioned how Farrant would be policed if he was granted compassionate release, and said the family have not been given details about if he would be staying at a hospice under supervision or other accommodation.

Undated family handout photo of Iain Hoskins and his sister Katie with their mother Glenda Hoskins, who was murdered in 1996 by Victor Farrant. The family of Glenda Hoskins are speaking out about discussions to release her murderer Victor Farrant from prison who they say could strike again. Farrant was jailed for life in 1998 for the murder of his former girlfriend Glenda and the attempted murder of Ann Fidler. Issue date: Thursday March 28, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story PRISONS Farrant. Photo credit should read: Iain Hoskins/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Iain Hoskins and his sister Katie with their mother Glenda (Picture: Iain Hoskins/PA)

The family have been writing to their MPs and to Home Secretary James Cleverly and Justice Secretary Alex Chalk expressing their objections to Farrant’s release.

They said a panel meeting discussing Farrant’s release is being held in early April before it will go to the Ministry of Justice.

The power lies with the Justice Secretary to grant or deny applications for early release from prison.

Mr Hoskins added: ‘He should be denied that privilege. Some people might say at least give him the dignity of dying on the outside.

‘Unfortunately, my mum doesn’t have that luxury of the 30 years, 40 years that he stole when he killed her in 1996.’

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: ‘Glenda Hoskins’ murder was a horrific crime and our thoughts remain with her family and friends.

‘Prisoners are only released on compassionate grounds in exceptional circumstances following strict risk assessments and no formal application has yet been made in this case.’

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