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The White House Abandoned Israel at the UN; Will Jews Abandon Biden?

In failing to veto the UN Security Council Resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, the Biden administration has abandoned Israel. Many...

The post The White House Abandoned Israel at the UN; Will Jews Abandon Biden? first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan addresses the UN Security Council at UN headquarters in New York City, US, March 22, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Mike Segar

In failing to veto the UN Security Council Resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, the Biden administration has abandoned Israel. Many observers predicted this day would come, having seen the writing on the wall with increasingly hostile rhetoric directed at Israel in general, and Prime Minister Netanyahu specifically.

Optimistic observers dismissed the tough talk as an attempt to appease critics and maintain support within the Democratic caucus ahead of a tough election. Some say the same about the UN vote itself. On Saturday, Biden signed a funding package that eliminated aid for UNWRA until 2025 and provided $3.3 billion for Israel, which will supply its Iron Dome and other defense needs. So many Jews were hopeful that Biden still would stand behind Israel in its efforts to fully defeat Hamas.

That optimism was damaged on Monday, when Israel found itself with no ally on the Security Council. In a stunning display of shortsightedness, Biden capitulated to pressure from his left flank. In analyzing the decision to withhold a US veto, the question is whether this will help Biden in the long run.

If Biden acted to prevent Israel from entering Rafah, then he miscalculated badly. Israel will surely enter Rafah now, and Biden will appear weak because his diplomatic prowess was inadequate to prevent it. It may appease some in his party, but it’s a bad move for all those who believe Israel is justified in removing Hamas from power.

After the vote, Israel recalled the contingent it had planned to send to Washington at Biden’s request to discuss alternatives to a full Rafah incursion. The administration is said to be “perplexed” by what they consider an “overreaction” from Israel. The fact that the administration is perplexed suggests that they do not understand the significance of their actions, which is frightening. For weeks, negotiations towards a hostage deal were taking place, and progress was being made on that front. Hamas had accepted that there would be no permanent ceasefire as a condition of the deal.

Predictably, Hamas responded to the UN resolution on Monday by rejecting the most recent proposal and going back to its original position that Israel must withdraw from Gaza entirely in exchange for the release of hostages. All of the progress that was made to get to the most recent proposal has been undone. By allowing a ceasefire resolution to pass, Biden has materially undermined these negotiations. If a ceasefire can be imposed on Israel without the return of hostages, then Hamas has no incentive to release them. In essence, the UN vote doomed the negotiations and the hostages — not to mention, Israel’s hope of preventing future October 7 attacks in the long-term.

Biden has been walking a tightrope, trying to support our ally in Israel without jeopardizing his political fortunes at home. However, leadership means sticking to difficult decisions despite criticism. A great leader does not succumb to political pressure in making historic decisions. That Biden caved to pressure when leadership was needed most, is a historic blemish on his record for that he will most certainly suffer for politically.

Once again, Jews are alone on the world stage. Once again, the US has abandoned Israel in a true time of need. The US’ policy is a huge moral failure, and politics is never more important than doing what’s right.

Kenneth Blake is a former state prosecutor and teaches Critical Thinking and Government in Petaluma, California. 

The post The White House Abandoned Israel at the UN; Will Jews Abandon Biden? first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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