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George Gilbey ‘struggled’ after CBB ‘fling’ saw him accused of ‘betrayal’ of co-star Stephanie Pratt, ex manager says

GOGGLEBOX star George Gilbey “struggled” after his Celebrity Big Brother “fling” saw him accused of the “worst betrayal”, his ex manager has revealed.

The TV personality’s stint on the reality show saw him spark an intense relationship with Made in Chelsea’s Stephanie Pratt.

Stephanie Pratt and George Gilbey sparked a relationship during Celebrity Big Brother in 2014
Rex Features
George with his ex-manager Dermot McNamara
The pair snogged and said they loved each other
Rex Features
George and his family first appeared on Gogglebox in 2013

The beloved TV star died after “falling from a height” while working in a warehouse yesterday morning at age 40.

He was best known for appearing with his family on the Channel 4 show Gogglebox.

However, when the family was cut from the show in 2014 – George went on to take part in Celebrity Big Brother.

He was a fan favourite in the CBB house and made his way to the final.

But now his ex-manager has revealed the star “struggled” after the show.

Dermot Mc Namara wrote on X: “Completely shocked and upset to hear this. I managed him after his stint on CBB, it was pre-duty of care and he struggled a lot after the show. But I will always remember our happy times.

“Sending love and condolences to his mother Lin, the family and his daughter Amelie.”

During the show he sparked a romance with Stephanie Pratt – with the pair snogging on air. 

And just 17 days after they met George admitted he had fallen in love with her.

But once Stephanie was booted from the show George moved on quickly, and was seen smooching Bewitched star Edele Lynch under the covers during the live final.

After the show, George once again managed to charm Stephanie over, telling her: “I really do love you, Edele was just a fling. Can you forgive me?”

But weeks later the Made in Chelsea star said the betrayal had been too much for her.

She said: “I’m obviously a very bad judge of character. Edele’s my best friend and so is George.

“I’m embarrassed for Edele because she has kids and she’s just separated.”

George then defended his actions, saying that Stephanie only loved him like a brother.

She responded: “I actually said I love you as a friend, you said ‘I love you’ and we’d see in five years. The night I left, you got into Edele’s bed…

“You [Edele] and George were my best friends in the house, that was the worst betrayal.”

It comes as George’s co-stars have been paying tribute after his sudden death. 

Geordie Shore star Ricci Guarnaccio, who was with George on Celebrity Big Brother in 2014, said: “Breaks my heart. George Gilbey, you are well and truly going to be missed my friend. 

“Always lit up the room, cared for others. I’ll cherish you for ever, my brother.”

It comes as pals of the TV personality last night revealed he had been working hard to “turn his life around for his family” after he was jailed for three months in 2019 for drink-driving.

Cause of death

George’s cause of death has now been revealed by police.

Essex Police this afternoon said: “We received a report of an incident at Campfield Road in Shoebury at around 10am this morning (27 March), during which a man who was working at height had fallen and sustained an injury.

“The ambulance service including air ambulance were in attendance. Sadly, the man died at the scene.

“We will continue liaising with partners including the Heath and Safety Executive.

“A cordon remains in place at the scene.”

They told The Sun: “Nobody deserves this to happen so young — 40 is no age. He had started going to the gym and working very hard to do well for his family.

“This will hit his family very hard, especially Linda. First, she lost Pete, now her son as well.

“She is incredibly emotional. George was like her little treasure.

“He was a good bloke with a big heart who loved his family. He was a bit of a party lad, but he was good entertainment.”

His untimely passing comes just three years after the death of his 71-year-old stepdad Pete McGarry, who died after being diagnosed with bowel cancer.

In 2015 George met ex-girlfriend Gemma Conway at Ascot races.

They had daughter Amelie in 2016 but in 2018 George got a community order for assaulting Gemma at their home in Twickenham, South West London.

George, Linda and Pete returned to the Gogglebox couch in 2016 and Channel 4 released a statement last night saying the star was always part of the “family”.

It read: “George was part of the Gogglebox family for eight series alongside his mum Linda and stepdad Pete.

“Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with Linda, and George’s family and friends at this very sad time.

“The family have asked for privacy.”

Essex Police yesterday said: “We received a report of an incident at Campfield Road in Shoebury at around 10am this morning (27 March), during which a man who was working at height had fallen and sustained an injury.

“The ambulance service including air ambulance were in attendance. Sadly, the man died at the scene.

“We will continue liaising with partners including the Heath and Safety Executive.

“A cordon remains in place at the scene.”The Sun has approached the HSE for comment.

George kissed Edele Lynch when Stephanie was evicted
Cops last night remained at the work site where George is thought to have fallen from

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