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Love Island’s Callum Jones leaves party hand-in-hand with Jess Gale lookalike after shock split with girlfriend

LOVE Island’s Callum Jones has wasted no time in moving on from Jess Gale following their split.

The Sun revealed former Love Island All Stars couple Callum, 27, and Jess, 24, had a huge bust-up at Molly Smith‘s Boohoo launch last night.

EXCLUSIVE: Love Islands Callum Jones leaves Ex Girlfriends Molly Smith's Boohoo party at Fenix in Manchester with mystery blonde...and it's not his girlfriend Jess Gale...Callum was seen leaving holding hands with the mystery blonde but it wasn't Jess, days after squashing split rumours as fans claimed he and Jess was a showmance, and they might have just been right.....Pictured: Callum Jones..Ref: SPL10814858 280324 EXCLUSIVE..Picture by: Aaron Parfitt / SplashNews.com....Splash News and Pictures..**USE CHILD PIXELATED IMAGES OR FOOTAGE IF YOUR TERRITORY REQUIRES IT**.USA: 310-525-5808 .UK: 020 8126 1009..eamteam@shutterstock.com....World Rights..
Callum was seen leaving Molly’s bash with reality star Thea
EXCLUSIVE: Love Islands Callum Jones leaves Ex Girlfriends Molly Smith's Boohoo party at Fenix in Manchester with mystery blonde...and it's not his girlfriend Jess Gale...Callum was seen leaving holding hands with the mystery blonde but it wasn't Jess, days after squashing split rumours as fans claimed he and Jess was a showmance, and they might have just been right.....Pictured: Callum Jones..Ref: SPL10814858 280324 EXCLUSIVE..Picture by: Aaron Parfitt / SplashNews.com....Splash News and Pictures..**USE CHILD PIXELATED IMAGES OR FOOTAGE IF YOUR TERRITORY REQUIRES IT**.USA: 310-525-5808 .UK: 020 8126 1009..eamteam@shutterstock.com....World Rights..
He made no attempt to hide his new romance
Celebs seen leaving Molly Smith Boohoo Launch at Fenix in Manchester Pictured: Eve and Jess Gale Ref: SPL10815025 280324 NON-EXCLUSIVE Picture by: SplashNews.com Splash News and Pictures **USE CHILD PIXELATED IMAGES OR FOOTAGE IF YOUR TERRITORY REQUIRES IT** USA: 310-525-5808 UK: 020 8126 1009 eamteam@shutterstock.com World Rights,
Jess left the party with pals and sister Eve

And Callum was later snapped leaving the party holding hands with reality star Thea Thompson.

Callum made no attempt to hide his new romance with Jess lookalike Thea, who previously starred on MTV dating show Are You The One? in 2022.

The former scaffolder exited the bash with Thea in full view of waiting snappers.

It seems the blonde was the cause of Callum and Jess’ fight during 29-year-old Molly’s big night.

An insider told us: “Callum and Jess have been hanging on a by a thread but it’s very much over now.

“Everyone was shocked to see them arguing and then Callum was seen cosying up with another blonde.

“Jess left the party alongside her mates and Demi Sims, putting the drama behind her.”

Since making it to the Love Island All Stars final in February the two Islanders have faced criticism from supporters – who have been convinced for weeks that they’d already split.

Everyone was shocked to see them arguing

Love Island insider

Fans spotted they only met up when promoting something – they appeared together at a McDonald’s event over the weekend.

But followers were quick to point out they went their separate ways after the event, with Callum heading out for dinner with pal Casey O’Gorman instead.

Last week the couple fuelled split rumours when Callum reunited with fellow All Stars finalists Josh Ritchie and Sophie Piper.

The trio attended the Ne-Yo and Mario concert in Manchester and just days later Jess went on a trip to romantic Paris without Callum.

During their time in the All Stars villa viewers were convinced Callum would reunite with ex-girlfriend Molly.

The couple split after more than three years just six months before arriving as bombshells on the spin-off series.

But Molly ended up winning the show alongside boyfriend Tom Clare while Callum left the villa with Jess.

Thea Thompson - the Mystery blonde pictured leaving with Love Island star Callum Jones after boohoo party , , https://www.instagram.com/theaadoraa/?hl=en
Thea starred in reality show Are You The One? in 2022
Editorial use only Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Shutterstock (14355669aq) Jess Gale and Callum Jones 'Love Island: All Stars' TV Show, Episode 36, Final, South Africa - 19 Feb 2024
Jess and Callum made it to the Love Island All Stars final earlier this year

Love Island All Stars final places

WINNERS – Tom Clare and Molly Smith

2nd place – Callum Jones and Jess Gale

3rd place – Sophie Piper and Joshua Ritchie

4th place – Georgia Steel and Toby Aromolaran

5th place – Georgia Harrison and Anton Danyluk

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