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Mum asks for help picking a middle name for her tot, but people are more concerned about the first names she’s chosen

PICKING the perfect name for your little one is no easy feat, there are trends, traditions and so much more to consider after all.

But one mum has been utterly rinsed online after she asked for some help naming her newborn.

The mum revealed the unusual first name she picked out for her son[/caption]
People urged her to change the name for the baby’s sake[/caption]
She revealed how the name is supposed to be pronounced on Facebook[/caption]

She took to Facebook to reveal the first name she’d already agreed on with her partner, plus the surname that will go with it.

“Need help with a middle name for my son. His name will be Dahmyr Powers,” she wrote in the post.

The mum also asked how people would pronounce the unique name, to which people had mixed responses.

Most people agreed, despite the different spelling, the name looked like it should be pronounced ‘Dahmer’.

“Dahmyr like Jeffery Dahmer the murderer? Some people just shouldn’t have kids,” one person commented on the post.

“Duh-meer? Dah-meier? You know full well it’s going to be pronounced Dahmer,” a second slammed.

And even people who knew that’s not how the name should be pronounced agreed it was a bad idea to stick with it.

“I pronounce it like Dah-myeer in my head but I instantly recognised it as Dahmer. So it’s not a good idea,” one commented.

The mum revealed the name should be pronounced like ‘da-meer’ but that didn’t stop people from slamming her choice.

“Poor kid doesn’t stand a chance with a name like that, it really doesn’t matter what middle name you give him,” someone said.

“At this point give him the middle name Jeffery and go all out,” joked another.

The mum didn’t reveal if she planned to switch to another name, but many people thought for the baby’s sake she should.

“Please change this there are other names that don’t sound like that of a serial killer,” one said.

But this isn’t the first time a mum has been left red-faced after revealing the baby name she’s picked out.

Another mum-to-be was left fuming after her friend told her that her baby’s name means something very rude in her language.

The woman’s friend, who’s first language is Portuguese, said the mum likes to create unique-sounding names and has so far managed to invent “genuinely nice names” for her daughters.

Taking to Reddit, the mum revealed that Becca had been really struggling to come up with a name for her new baby and was really excited when she found a new one.

The name the mum had chosen for her child was Narina, which in Portuguese means ‘nostril’ – probably not what the mum was going for.

After revealing the name, the mum’s four year old son burst into a fit of laughter, and the mum begged to find out why.

The friend shared the name’s meaning, and said that the mum seemed “really sad” by the revelation.

Meanwhile, another woman revealed she faced a similar issue when her cousin created a name for her daughter.

In fact, the made up name was so “horrific” that she joked she won’t even say it out loud.

“My 20-year-old cousin had a baby girl last month,” she wrote on Reddit.

“She named her something so horrific I cannot even call the baby it.

“She combined two names and came up with Harlotte, after her grandparents Harvey and Charlotte.”

The horrified family member went on to say how her cousin decided to keep the name a secret until her daughter was born and the papers were signed.

Only, once the moniker was finally revealed, her shocked mum caused quite the scene.

“My mum burst out, “YOU NAMED THE BABY W***E???” and my cousin started screaming,” she recalled.

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