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One Trumper who says he’s no better off | Letters to the editor

One Trumper who says he’s no better off | Letters to the editor

Dueling perspectives on Donald Trump and Joe Biden from Sun Sentinel readers, on issues such as white supremacy and a "stolen" election.

After reading Steve Bousquet’s two-column slant (“Why we published that letter, and why we didn’t,” March 24), I clapped so hard, my Alexa Globe quivered.

This piece belonged in the comics section. It was a bashing of Donald Trump and an endorsement of Joe Biden, concealed by silly kickers.

Bousquet’s column cited the writings of Neal Bluestein. Why be critical of the gentleman from Boca Raton? I think it may be because Bluestein states the truth.

Far-left Democrats don’t want to hear the truth, nor do they want to hear opposing views.

What caused my sarcastic clapping was Bousquet’s statement that Trump is a “threat to democracy” — such a hideous statement. Show some examples.

Answer the question honestly: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

My answer: Heck, no, not by a long shot.

Edward Ross, West Palm Beach

So many rational objections

One recent letter writer made the common and false complaint about “Trump-hating letters.” For once, I would like a Trump supporter to explain how someone who objects to Trump’s policies, lack of achievements in office and un-American actions equates to hate.

I objected to Trump’s tax cuts skewed to the wealthy, his racist comments about immigrants and his asinine wall as a solution to complex immigration issues. I objected to his praise of white supremacists and inept response to a global COVID crisis that resulted in unnecessary deaths of Americans.

I objected to his thinly-veiled calls for violence, rejection of constitutional norms and false claims of voter fraud. I objected to his claims of immoral and/or criminal acts by opponents — acts that he himself has committed or been accused of in indictments. I objected to his documented immoral, unethical behavior.

How is any of that hate? It’s an articulation of rational objections, based on the evidence.

I agree we need a strong president, but not one willing to praise or emulate dictators who oppress citizens, the free press and political opponents.

Joe Biden has strengthened our standing in the world by reaffirming our commitments to the rule of law and our NATO allies and by defending democracies around the world against authoritarian regimes, not kowtowing to them.

He has proposed tax increases on the 1% and corporations to reduce the burden on the working class and to address deficits that Trump falsely claimed he would eliminate.

Scot McCluskey, Davie

Equal justice under law

Legal scholars believe the Supreme Court will uphold the unanimous ruling by a federal appeals court denying former President Trump immunity, but it may not matter if his trial on election subversion extends beyond Election Day. If Trump becomes president, it’s a virtual certainty he will shut down all proceedings, robbing the Supreme Court of its status as the final arbiter.

With the court unable to ensure that no one is above the law, the responsibility to uphold the principle of equal justice shifts to the electorate. As custodians of the Constitution by default, voters must elevate the preservation of democracy over priorities such as immigration and women’s reproductive rights — or live with the consequences.

Jim Paladino, Tampa

The joys of aging

I moved to Fort Lauderdale 45 years ago as a vibrant single young woman who worshipped the sun and happy days.  I never especially liked older people except for my grandparents, and never gave them much thought.

Now, I’m the downhill racer. Despite the laugh lines on my face, losing two inches in height and excess skin that fell to my waistline, there are interesting perks.

People are so kind. From teenagers up, doors magically are held open, cars in shopping center parking lots stop to let me walk, and people greet me. All of a sudden, my comprehension of subjects and issues becomes so much clearer..

Sandra Hill, Tamarac

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