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The UK Unesco heritage site dubbed ‘the British Machu Picchu’ 

A UNESCO heritage site in the UK has been compared to one of the seven wonders of the world, after it being dubbed the “British Machu Picchu”.

The famous Incan site near Cuzco in Peru dates back to the 1500s and is high on a lot of travellers’ bucket lists.

Machu Picchu in Peru is one of the seven wonders of the world[/caption]
The Slate Landscape of north west Wales has been compared to Machu Picchu[/caption]
The abandoned settlements look similar to those found at Machu Picchu[/caption]

The abandoned village is famous for its rows of stone cottages, sat high among the mountains in the Andes, with wild llamas wandering between the ruins.

However, for those who aren’t in a position to travel to South America, there’s a spot in the UK that has been likened to the Incan citadel.

The Slate Landscape of North West Wales was granted Unesco world heritage status in 2021 and has been dubbed the “British Machu Picchu”.

The landscape is made up of the Penrhyn slate quarry at Bethesda, the Dinorwig quarry near Llanberis and Blaenau Ffestiniog’s slate mines.

Although built a little while later in the 1780s, some of the now deserted settlements housed workers until the 1940s.

Almost 200 years of mining transformed the landscape, leading Unesco to recognise its significance, not only physically, but also culturally too.

The Unesco website states that the Slate Landscape “offers an important and remarkable example of interchange of materials, technology and human values”. 

Unesco also chose the area because of its authentic reflection of life during the time that the slate mines were up and running, with little changing at the sites since.

They added: “The well-preserved cultural landscape retains a high level of authenticity, and has experienced little intervention since the main period of industrial operation.”

As well as joining Machu Picchu on the list of globally recognised landmarks, the Slate Landscape also has a resemblance to the South American site, noted by historical publication, The Past.

They wrote: “Long-abandoned slate settlements in their upland setting have been compared to the 15th-century Peruvian citadel of Machu Picchu.”

It’s also a comparison drawn by the Daily Post, who said: “Parallels can be found in the ruined shells of buildings that litter the two sites, attesting to the ingenuity and hardships of the people who built them.

“Both sites lie high up in mountain ranges, ghostly relics of human enterprise and endeavour.”

While llamas aren’t found strolling about the North West Walian hills, there are wild goats that have made the area their home, providing a further similarity.

It’s not only the former settlements that interest visitors, with the former mills also found dotting the hillsides compared to religious buildings.

The Past continued: “The silhouettes of windowless slate mills and engine houses have been likened to the romantically ruined shells of medieval abbeys and cathedrals.”

Other landmarks that can be found in the UK

The Slate Landscape isn’t the only place in the UK compared to famous landmarks abroad.

Taj Mahal

The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, also known simply as the Neasden Hindu Temple, in London has been compared to the famous Indian landmark.

Some people believe it’s the largest Hindu temple outside of India, while others have labelled it as one of London’s seven man-made wonders.

London blogger Scarlett, writing for Diary of a Londoness, said:

 “This divine temple, which you would expect to see in Agra, actually resides in north west London.

“It’s a masterpiece in Indian craftsmanship and it shimmers in that Taj-Mahalesque way.”

Ancient Agora

The ancient Agora is one of many historic spots worth visiting on a trip to Athens.

However, a near replica of one of its main sights can be found, perhaps surprisingly, in Sunderland.

The Penshaw Monument is a half size replica of the Temple of Hephaestus, which can be found in the Agora.

It stands proudly on Penshaw hill and looks over the city, with views far across Wearside and County Durham from the top.

Meanwhile, this UK seaside town has been compared to visiting a Greek island.

And this town in England has been likened to the Mediterranean.

Deserted mills are also found throughout the six different sites[/caption]
The settlements were first built in Wales in the late 1700s[/caption]
The landscape was recognised as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2021[/caption]

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