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‘Sun-kissed skin all year round’ raves Charlotte Tilbury fans as Island Glow Tanning Drops go on sale

CHARLOTTE Tilbury is famed for its beauty and skincare products, and her latest drop is perfect for summer.

Beauty shoppers looking to create the ultimate summer glow are in luck, as the British brand has launched its new (and first-ever) tanning drop, Beautiful Skin Island Glow – you just know it’s going to be good.

Your new summer must have[/caption]
  • Beautiful Skin Island Glow Easy Tanning Drops, £38 from Charlotte Tilbury – buy here

Charlotte Tilbury’s Skin Island Glow Easy Tanning Drops have landed and are available to shop exclusively online at Charlotte Tilbury’s e-store for £38.

The Skin Island Glow Easy Tanning Drops are Charlotte Tilbury’s first foray into the fake tan sector, after much demand from shoppers.

While we already anticipated anything Charlotte Tilbury would help to achieve a radiant and glowing complexion, after sitting in on a talk with Charlotte herself we get a deeper insight into the formulation, so it’s safe to say these tanning drops truly are a thing of beauty.

The tanning drops come in two shades so customers can achieve a natural sunkissed complexion in a tone that suits them – don’t worry, you’ll find no dreaded orange tones here.

The product is available in light to medium, as well as tan to deep, both of which contain the same skin-loving ingredients.

Charlotte Tilbury recommends those with cool tones wear light to medium, while warmer skin tones opt for tan to deep, and the formulation contains tan-enhancing molecules to give your skin a natural sun-kissed glow.

Charlotte tilbury
Charlotte Tilbury launches its first fake tan drops[/caption]

This self-tanning ingredient, alongside erythrulose, works to leave the bronzed enhancement look even and natural, which is essential when using any fake tan product in our opinion.

The formula also contains hyaluronic acid, which super hydrating whilst remaining lightweight, making this product a skincare and beauty hybrid that helps to plump and revitalise your skin from within, while the tan brightens your skin giving you that post holiday feel.

The tanning drops also work to protect and strengthen the skin barrier, which can be impacted by environmental aggressors, which consequently helps to leave your skin looking healthier and rejuvenated.

Alongside added skincare benefits to help you get a glow from within, the formulation also includes light-reflecting pigments to leave your skin glowing instantly.

Charlotte Tilbury’s Tanning Drops are super easy to use, simply apply a few drops directly to the skin and massage them into your skin – you can also mix them into your moisturiser for an even glow and an added boost of hydration.

This face tan is buildable, so those who wish to have a deeper tan can reapply the next day, or a few days later, it is not drying, and streak-free, plus it is long-lasting.

As well as giving our skin a natural tan, and moisturising the skin, it is not sticky and transfer resistant.

Shoppers are raving about the new drops too, with over 70 five-star reviews in a matter of days.

One review said “sun-kissed skin all year round with glow drops” adding “I have tested Island Glow Tanning Drops by Charlotte Tilbury and can confidently say they are fantastic. These drops are a game-changer for achieving that sun-kissed glow all year round. They are easy to use and customize, allowing you to control the intensity of your tan. The formula is lightweight and doesn’t feel heavy or sticky on the skin.

“Plus, the natural-looking results are streak-free and long-lasting. Whether you want a subtle radiance or a deep bronzed look, these tanning drops deliver. Overall, Island Glow Tanning Drops are a must-have for anyone looking to achieve a flawless tan without the harmful effects of the sun.”

Another called it “stunning” adding “I’m in shock, this product works! I tried this one yesterday in night, it has a transparent consistency very very light ( like applying water ) sweet golden colour, but I didn’t notice it tan you, I went to sleep, cleaned myself and today, my hand is part tan, and the colour is so natural, like going to the pool!

“This works and naturally, definitely I am planning to use this one in summer in the night to wake up tan because even using wipes does nothing take it away, which means it’s going to last at least some days”.

Shoppers can buy the Tanning Drops on their own now, or shop a variety of gift sets curated for a full body glow.

The Protect, Supercharge and Glow Duo skincare kit, for example, includes the tanning drops, as well as the Invisible UV Flawless Poreless Primer with SPF 50, for £74.

Your Best Ever Glow duo features the new tanning drops and the bestselling Magic Cream, for £111, as well as the All Over Sunkissed Glow Trio, which features the tanning drops, the Magic Body Cream and Supermodel Body shimmer body lotion, all for £128.

Charlotte Tilbury’s Skin Island Glow Easy Tanning Drops are available to shop exclusively online at Charlotte Tilbury’s e-store for £38 now.

Want to find more savings on your online shopping? Then head to Sun Vouchers where you can get discounts and voucher codes from hundreds of top retailers including B&Q, Boots, Iceland, Lookfantastic, Dunelm, Adidas, Marks & Spencer and more.

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