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Run to Poundland for their last-minute Easter essentials including eggs and table decor… with prices from just 80p

EASTER is just a few days away, but if you’re set to host family and friends this Sunday and have left your shopping until the last minute, then no fear.

Deal expert Tom Church has shared eight last minute Easter essentials at Poundland – and with prices starting from just 80p, you really can’t go wrong.

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The gold bunny figurine is perfect to spruce up your spring tablescape and costs just 80p[/caption]
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You can snap up kids Easter eggs for as little as £1.25[/caption]

“If you’ve got the family coming round for Easter weekend and need a few last minute bits for decorating, egg hunts or presents, Poundland is the place to go,” says Tom, co-founder of money saving community Latest Deals.

“They’ve got a fantastic range with prices starting from just 80p, so you don’t need to break the bank to get in the Easter spirit.”

For anyone looking for cheap and cheerful decor for your Easter table, the bargain hunter says the gold bunny figurines are “great.”

He continues: “They’re only 80p each and would look great dotted around the table.

“Poundland also has larger figurines including ducks and bunnies, which are worth a look if you’re looking to spend more, with prices from £5.”

The savvy shopper also points out a mini Easter wreath for just £2.50.

“It’s available in green or purple, and it even has Mini Speckled Eggs dotted through it, so it definitely embodies the vibe of the season,” he notes.

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This 40 pack of chocolate eggs, £4.50, are ideal for Easter egg hunts[/caption]
Latest Deals
If you’re looking for last minute decor, there’s this Mini Easter Wreath for just £2.50[/caption]

“B&M is selling Easter wreaths for as much as £18, so if you’re on a budget, Poundland is definitely worth a look.”

The high-street store also has a range of Easter Bunny themed homeware, including a sweetie jar that will set you back £5.

“If you’re hosting, bits like this are really nice to display Mini Eggs or any sweet treats you may be putting out,” Tom says. “It features the Bunny head lid, and a pink bow around the rim.”

He goes on to say they’ve also released Easter Bunny themed plates for £3, bowls for £5 and a set of salt and pepper shakers for £4.

“I compared the prices to similar offerings from other retailers and Poundland’s are definitely competitive,” Tom explains.

“For example, Home Bargains is selling a similar Easter Bunny shaped plate for £4.99, that’s around £2 more expensive.”

Whether it’s Christmas or Halloween, Gonks have become a staple at high street shops, and Easter is no exception.

And if you’re after a spring-themed gonk to add to your collection, Tom says Poundland are flogging a purple one for £4, which is almost £2 cheaper than the Home Bargains ones which retail for £5.99.

“Ideal if you’re a Gonk collector, or if you’re going to family for Easter and are looking for a gift that isn’t too pricey,” he adds.

As for last minute bits for the kids, the savvy shopper notes that Poundland has small Easter Eggs with different themes, for example PawPatrol or Peppa Pig.

They’re individually wrapped so perfect for dotting around the garden…it’s £4.50, which works out at just 11p an egg – not bad at all!”

Tom Churchmoney-saving expert

“They’re only £1.25 each, and you get a chocolate egg and a chocolate bar,” he explains.

“I think that’s great value, especially if your little one’s a Peppa or PawPatrol fan.”

Alternatively, if you’re in charge of organising the egg hunt, Tom recommends snapping up one of Poundland’s 40 packs of Chocolate Eggs.

“They’re individually wrapped so perfect for dotting around the garden, and there should be some left over for the adults as well!” he says.

“It’s £4.50, which works out at just 11p an egg – not bad at all!”

The bargain hunter says that another nice buy if you’ve got little ones, is the mega pack of Marshmallow Bunnies, which are “perfect for Easter themed hot chocolates.”

He continues: “It’s only £1 for the bag, and should last you a while. In the same range there’s also a pack of 40 Sherbert Straws for £1, handy if your kids prefer sweets to chocolate.”

Latest Deals
You can snap up this Easter bunny sweetie jar for just £5[/caption]
Latest Deals
These £1 Marshmallow Bunnies are handy if your kids prefer sweets to chocolate[/caption]
Latest Deals
Poundland are selling Easter bunny tableware from £3[/caption]
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This purple spring-themed Easter gonk is priced at just £4[/caption]

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