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City hears update on Topeka Blvd. repairs, other projects

City hears update on Topeka Blvd. repairs, other projects

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The City of Topeka Public Infrastructure Committee approved more than $2 million for various projects around the city on Tuesday.

The Public Infrastructure Committee heard from Public Works and Utilities Director Braxton Copley on the Municipal Court roof, the Topeka Performing Arts Center (TPAC) facade rehabilitation, Law Enforcement Center repairs, work at fire stations across the city, the city street light program and street repairs.

Topeka Boulevard

Regarding Topeka Boulevard, Copley said the department is currently in the design phase for a project on Topeka Boulevard between 21st and 29th Street. The project will go to bid at the end of March. It will involve full-depth reconstruction that will require a full closure due to a water line running under the road.

South of 21st Street to 29th Street will see mill and overlay, full-depth patching and additional curb and gutter repairs. It is planned for the construction season in 2024.

Copley said the department has a consultant in place for a project on Topeka Boulevard between 15th and 21st Streets. He said it could involve full-depth reconstruction depending on the governing body's decision. Copley said the project will be funded by the Joint Economic Development Organization and could see construction in 2025 and 2026.

From 29th Street to 38th Street on the boulevard, mill and overlay work is expected in 2026 and 2027. Copley added that the intersection at 37th Street and 29th Street need full-depth reconstruction. He said one of the intersections would be completed in 2026 and the other in 2027.

The last section of Topeka Boulevard Copley mentioned was construction between 38th to 49th Streets planned for 2028 which would mostly be mill and overlay with full-depth patching as needed.

"I can not realistically reconstruct both of those intersections in a single construction season," Copley said.

Municipal Court Roof

According to Copley, the Municipal Court roof repair project hit a snag when it was thought the roof had a single membrane layer. The city discovered it already has two layers. According to the international building code, a roof cannot have more than two membrane layers.

"We thought it was a single layer but when we got in there we realized there's already two layers on there so that is going to require the complete removal which is what increased this budget cost," Copley said.

The discovery will require an additional $65,000 worth of repairs bringing the total cost of the project up to $232,116.

TPAC face shield

Copley discussed the TPAC face shield project. He said the fist phase of the project was estimated to cost $250,000 and the second phase was estimated at $240,000.

Law Enforcement Center boilers and repairs

At the Law Enforcement Center, Copley said the nearly 30-year-old boilers will need to be replaced as they're beyond their useful life. The project at the LEC is budgeted at $400,000.

Street Preventative Maintenance Program

The commission approved $1 million to be added to the already $2 million Street Preventative Maintenance Program.

“The bottom line is we’ve made good progress over the last six years to move the PCI which is pavement condition index," Copley said. "Back in 2016, we had an overall PCI of 54 as of the last inventory in 2022 we moved that up 13 points to 67.”

The additional funds will help cover ultra-thin bonded asphalt surfacing (UBAS) from Sixth Street from MacVicar to Madison and from Madison to Monroe from Sixth Street to 10th Street. The request for additional funding was unanimously approved.

Street Lights

Regarding street lights, Copley highlighted success with solar street light installs in the city. Each solar-powered commercial light pole costs the city $10,000. He requested $100,000 for the street light program. The request was approved unanimously.

Pavement Management Program

Regarding the Pavement Management Program, the commission approved projects exceeding $250,000 to perform mill and overlay with full-depth patching on Meninger Road from Green Hills Road to Rochester, Northwest Elm Row from Spangles to Topeka Boulevard and the long cul-de-sac at Southeast Greenfield Court.

Fleet Garage

Copley provided a recommendation to move forward with amending the CIP to provide funding for a light-duty fleet garage. The project is estimated to cost $5.5 million with KDOT approving $2.4 million.

He said $748,000 had been requested from KDOT for compensation on the existing fleet garage bringing the total estimated cost of the project between $2.35 to $3.1 million.

Copley said the department has been talking to finance and made requests to be able to cash fund the project. The request will be brought to the City Council on March 5 for discussion.

Some other actions taken by the commission included:

  • Planning on moving forward with the remodel of Fire Station #9 for an estimated cost of $868,000.
  • Approved $294,000 to repair the alley and sewer in the 1800 block of Buchanon between SW Lincoln and SW Buchanon.
  • Approved $400,000 to repair the alley and sewer in the 1900 block of Buchanan between Lincoln and Buchanan.

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Советский дизельпанк, СССР, 1938г.

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