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5 haunting tales of infamous spouses convicted of killing their partners

5 haunting tales of infamous spouses convicted of killing their partners

Fox News Digital uncovers the stories of fatal betrayals by five different spouses convicted of slaying or severely hurting their partners.

Delving into the intricate stories of human relationships entangled in the shadows of criminality, these individuals carve their place among infamous spouses convicted of murdering their partners.

This compilation unravels the tales of murder, deceit and motives that gripped nations and captivated public attention.


Kelly Cochran was convicted of murdering her husband, Jason Cochran, in 2016. The case unfolded with startling revelations, suggesting she might have been involved in other deaths. Allegations arose Kelly and her husband were involved in the murder of her lover, Chris Regan, before Jason Cochran's demise. She claimed she killed Regan to fulfill a pact with her husband.

During investigations, Cochran made cryptic statements hinting at the possibility of other victims, leading to speculation of her involvement in more murders. Her case grabbed attention due to its complexity and the suspicion of serial killings.

Evelyn Dick was a Canadian woman involved in one of the most notorious murder cases in Canadian history during the 1940s. Her husband, John Dick, went missing in 1946, and his remains were later found scattered in different locations around Hamilton, Ontario. Evelyn was arrested and accused of being involved in his murder, which led to a series of shocking revelations about her life.

The case revealed a tale of scandal, including affairs, prostitution and a troubled personal life. Evelyn Dick's trial captured public attention due to its sensational elements and the graphic nature of the crime. She became known as the "Torso Murderess" for the dismemberment of her husband's body.

Scott Peterson became infamous after the disappearance of his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son, Conner, in December 2002. Laci, who was pregnant at the time, vanished from their home in Modesto, California, sparking a massive search effort.

The case gained extensive media coverage as Peterson's behavior came under increasing scrutiny. Despite portraying himself as a concerned husband, inconsistencies in his story and suspicious behavior led investigators to focus on him as a suspect. Additionally, evidence emerged suggesting Scott was having an extramarital affair, which raised further suspicion.

Months later, the bodies of Laci Peterson and her unborn son washed up on the shore of the San Francisco Bay, not far from where Scott said he was fishing on the day of her disappearance. In 2004, Scott Peterson was arrested and charged with the murder of his wife and their unborn child.


Peterson's original death sentence was overturned in 2020. The California Supreme Court ruled that there were errors in the jury selection process, and as a result, the death penalty was set aside. In 2021, Scott Peterson was re-sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This new sentence means that he will spend the remainder of his life behind bars. 

Also known as the "Merry Widow of Windy Nook," she had multiple husbands who died within a short period. Suspicion arose due to her inheriting their estates after each death. When bodies were exhumed, traces of insecticide were found, leading to her arrest. Initially sentenced to death, her punishment was later reduced to life imprisonment, and she died in prison.

George Joseph Smith was an infamous English serial killer, notorious for his method of marrying and subsequently murdering multiple women. He was born in 1872 and gained notoriety for his crimes in the early 20th century.

Smith's method involved marrying women and then taking out life insurance policies on them. Afterward, he would murder his wives by drowning them in a bathtub, making it appear accidental. He used various aliases and moved frequently to avoid suspicion.

His criminal activities came to light when authorities noticed a pattern of similar deaths among his wives in different locations. The case drew widespread attention and became known as the "Brides in the Bath Murders."

Smith was eventually arrested, tried and found guilty of the murders of three women: Bessie Mundy, Alice Burnham and Margaret Lofty. His method of using the guise of marriage to commit insurance fraud and murder led to significant public interest and condemnation.

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