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Biden mocked for appearing confused after anti-Trump speech: 'Lost again'

Biden mocked for appearing confused after anti-Trump speech: 'Lost again'

President Biden garnered the attention of social media critics Friday after he appeared "confused" on a few separate occasions following an anti-Trump speech in Pennsylvania.

President Biden garnered the attention of some social media users on Friday after he delivered a speech in Pennsylvania and appeared "confused" landing in Delaware later that evening.

Shortly after Biden's trip to Blue Bell, Pennsylvania — where he delivered a campaign speech marking three years since the January 6 Capitol riot — the 81-year-old president faced a flurry of criticism for his remarks and behavior both after the speech and upon his arrival in Delaware, where he is spending the weekend.

Biden spent a great deal of time attacking former President Donald Trump, who holds a massive lead over the GOP presidential primary field, and his "mob" of supporters during the Friday-evening speech near Valley Forge.

The president accused Trump of "trying to steal history the same way he tried to steal the election," while saying that the results of the 2020 election proved that he was a "loser."


After delivering the address, first lady Jill Biden quickly approached the podium and hugged the president before taking him by the hand and leading him off the stage. The couple appeared to whisper something to one another, but what said wasn't discernible based on the angles of the main camera.

After embracing his wife, Biden turned back to the mic and spoke over the loudspeakers that had already begun playing exit music.

"I understand power. Thank you all so very much," he said before slowly leaving the stage.

Highlighting the instance in a post to social media, one user noted that Jill Biden helped the president "off the stage following his remarks lest he get confused, and/or lost, or falls."

Following his speech, Biden flew on Marine One to Delaware to spend the weekend with his family. Upon landing and departing from the helicopter, several users noticed the president's peculiar behavior.

"After two weeks of vacation and a 32-minute speech, Biden is back in Delaware for a weekend respite. He was VERY confused upon landing," RNC Research, an account managed by the Republican National Committee, remarked on X.

Sharing the same clip, conservative commentator Benny Johnson wrote in a post to X, "Biden is lost again."

Biden, who turned 78 shortly before taking office in January 2021, has faced repeated questions over his fitness for office and mental acuity.

A recent NBC poll indicated that 59% of registered voters have "major concerns" about his physical and mental health as he eyes a second term, with an additional 27% having either "moderate" or "minor" concerns.


Brennan Gorman, an Independent voter, joined "FOX & Friends Weekend" in November and offered his perspective on why he finds Biden's age a problem for not only his campaign, but the entire country.

"I'm absolutely concerned," he said at the time. "He exhibits many issues when it comes to physical and cognitive abilities, but also it's difficult for him to connect with the younger generation. Our electorate is getting younger and younger, and we're electing people who are older and older."

Seventy-six percent of voters agreed Biden is "too old" to serve a second term, compared to just 48% who said the same about Trump, according to the poll.

Last November, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, the former White House physician for Presidents Obama and Trump, expressed concern about Biden's health and mental acuity.

"I've been saying for quite some time now, when he was candidate Joe Biden, that I didn't think that he had the cognitive ability to do the job," Jackson said on "FOX & Friends."

Jackson emphasized that Biden has "degenerated" over the last three years.

"He's got these people that surround him that are inappropriately encouraging him to continue to run, because it builds up who they are and what they do. But our border, our wars overseas, our economy, you know, it's just a disaster right now. And he just can't do the job. And it's just on display every day that he's not capable of doing this job anymore," Jackson warned.

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