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2,000 actors, musicians unleash 'drivel' against Israel


Actors often play important figures, governmental leaders, corporate giants, even superheroes. But in those roles, they are walking and standing where a director tells them to. They are reciting lines someone else has written. They are dressed in costumes someone else chooses. In other words, they're not really the brilliant world voices they purport to…

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Actors often play important figures, governmental leaders, corporate giants, even superheroes.

But in those roles, they are walking and standing where a director tells them to. They are reciting lines someone else has written. They are dressed in costumes someone else chooses.

In other words, they're not really the brilliant world voices they purport to be on video.

Nonetheless, a coalition of 2,000 has signed onto a letter that condemns Israel for its defense of its citizens in light of a slaughter of some 1,200 or 1,300 in a recent attack by Hamas terrorists.

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Hamas members, in fact, burned whole families alive, beheaded babies, and other atrocities.

Those actions were not cited by the "open letter from Artists for Palestine UK," according to a report in the New York Post, prompting David Mencer, former director of Labour Friends of Israel, to dismiss the comments as "drivel."

Signers of the letter included Tilda Swinton, Steve Coogan, and "Outlander" star Sam Heughan, the report said.

The letter claimed, "Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them. There will come a time when they are held to account for their complicity.

"But for now, while condemning every act of violence against civilians and every infringement of international law whoever perpetrates them, our obligation is to do all we can to bring an end to the unprecedented cruelty being inflicted on Gaza."

The letter states, "We support the global movement against the destruction of Gaza and the mass displacement of the Palestinian people," while demanding "ceasefire" and "humanitarian aid" for Hamas.

The Post report said, "The letter makes no mention of how Hamas terrorists murdered at least 1,400 people and took some 200 others hostage — nor Israel’s claims that children were burned and beheaded."

Critics of the letter noted it gave only "one side and not the other" on the dispute between Hamas, which has stated as its goal is to eliminate Israel, and Israeli officials, who are working to protect their citizens.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: "Our country is going communist!" warned Donald Trump recently. "It's going Marxist, it's going REALLY bad." He added, "The PEOPLE of our country aren't that way – but the people RUNNING it are." Is this just election-season bluster and hyperbole, or can the utterly unthinkable be true?

Incredibly, it is true. In 2023 America, the Democratic Party – its agendas, its core values, its wall-to-wall dishonesty, and its audacious and utterly ruthless methods – are virtually indistinguishable from those of modern-day communists. Compare the Communist Party USA's website, CPUSA.org (where the featured top-of-page story is about "TRANS RIGHTS"), with the Democratic National Committee's website, Democrats.org, and try to discern any substantive difference.

America's plunge into atheistic Marxism in virtually every area of life – from weaponizing government and courts to destroy critics and political opponents, to crushing free speech, to corrupting and brainwashing the nation's children, and much much more – is all stunningly explored in the October issue of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled "AMERICA'S COMMUNIST REVOLUTION: How the freest nation in history is rapidly becoming a Marxist police state." Beyond exposing the Marxist takeover of America's key institutions, this explosive special report goes on to reveal how Marxism/communism is ACTUALLY A MAJOR WORLD RELIGION, albeit a false and malevolent one. It unearths what REALLY motivates the "high priests" of this truly dark atheistic faith, which has captivated untold millions and murdered millions more. And it vividly illustrates exactly how and why citizens of the greatest nation in history are now experiencing – to quote Barack Obama's words – "a fundamental transformation of the United States of America." This Whistleblower issue is a crucial wake-up call for all Americans. WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post 2,000 actors, musicians unleash 'drivel' against Israel appeared first on WND.

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