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CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” – Fixates on QAnon (VIDEO)

Most media outlets have stopped bashing “The Sound Of Freedom,” but CBS News spent Friday night attacking the blockbuster film.

CBS must be bored because they are still knocking the film, and for some reason, they are fixated on Q-Anon.

Newsbusters Reported:

Though it seems like everyone has moved on from baselessly bashing the Sound of Freedom, CBS Mornings couldn’t find anything better to talk about Friday, as the network allotted a whopping seven minutes-and-change attempting to paint the movie as something of a QAnon conspiracy.

Apparently exposing the truths and travesties of the child trafficking network is just right-wing propaganda – that is, according to CBS. For starters, the chyron of the segment read, “‘Sound of Freedom’ Controversies.” Fill-in co-host Jamie Yuccas stated, “Sound of Freedom is a lightning rod for controversy and conspiracy theories,” adding that the movie has been embraced by “supporters of the fringe conspiracy theory, QAnon,” who “falsely believe in the existence of widespread human trafficking rings run by Hollywood and so-called liberal political elites.”

In the segment, hosts spoke with writer-director Alejandro Monteverde, immediately asking how he feels about the film being at the center of so much controversy.

Again, I don’t think the illegal sexual exploitation and abuse of children is controversial. Nobody should ever be for it, full stop. But, I digress.

Funnily enough, Monteverde explained he went around the world to places including London and Latin America promoting the film, and there was never any mention of a “controversy” there.

“The U.S. is the megaphone,” he said, “these conspiracy theories do not exist over there.”

That speaks loud to how twisted the mainstream media can be. When filmmakers are trying to save children and a news outlet is still focusing on conspiracy nonsense, that begs the question, what is their intent?

CBS Mornings: “Sound of Freedom has become a lightning rod for controversy and conspiracy theories. The movies embraced by supporters of the French conspiracy theory Q-Anon.”

Instead of offering support for a film to save children, they focus on irrelevant information. Sounds like a slow news day.


This is not the first time “The Sound of Freedom” has been bashed. Gateway reported earlier this month:

The mainstream media has done everything it can to push people away from the historic film “Sound of Freedom” by Angel Studios on the scourge of child sex trafficking in the world today.

Unfortunately, as The Gateway Pundit has reported, several mainstream outlets have written horrible reviews and expose’s on this sleeper hit.

The latest assault on the film is making the rounds in the twisted mainstream media last month.

According to reports, a St. Louis area man charged with accessory to a child kidnapping donated to the “Sound of Freedom.”

This media fabrication has over 227,000 results in a Bing search and over 2,880,000 results in a Google search.

This is how desperate the mainstream media forces are to deter people from seeing this movie that has already raised over $150 million.

The post CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” – Fixates on QAnon (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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