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Actors playing Shane Warne & his wife hospitalised after sex scene goes wrong filming movie on late cricket star’s life

ACTORS playing the legendary Shane Warne and his wife Simone Callahan were rushed to hospital after a sex scene they were filming went wrong.

Alex Williams, 33, and Marny Kennedy, 29, will star as the couple in an upcoming two-part telemovie series titled Warnie.

News.com/Channel 9
Alex Williams, 33, and Marny Kennedy, 29, were rushed to hospital after the sex scene mishap[/caption]
The pair are playing the roles of Shane Warne and his ex-wife Simone in a new series[/caption]

But while depicting the love Shane and his wife shared during their 10-year marriage, the duo ended up doing themselves an injury.

Melbourne-born Marny revealed she and her co-star were left bandaged and bruised after a mishap while filming a steamy scene.

She told Australia’s Daily Telegraph: “It was during a little makeout scene from when they (Shane and Simone) were younger.

“We were going down a corridor and we were meant to push into the bedroom and land on the bed, but we both completely missed the bed.”

The actress says she broke her wrist while Alex, who is playing the role of late cricketing superstar Warne, cracked the back of his head open.

She added: “We ended up sitting in the emergency room together, he with a bandage around his head and me with my wrist strapped.”

Marny explained the pair were still sporting their striking costumes when they visited the hospital that was primarily “for the elderly.”

She laughed while recalling how the situation got even more awkward as they stuck out like a sore thumb in the waiting room.

The Warnie star said: “It was just Alex and I with our bleached hair, fully still in wardrobe, sitting there surrounded by elderly residents.”

But Marny and Alex managed to see the funny side of their sex scene slip up and even created some memorabilia to remind them of it.

The pair designed amusing mugs for the cast and crew of the production emblazoned with a selfie of them sitting in the hospital.

The Warnie TV series will depict Shane’s phenomenal rise and spectacular public falls from grace, although no air date has yet been confirmed.

Brit Shanti Kali will play the role of Liz Hurley, the supermodel with whom Warne famously dated between 2011 to 2013.

The iconic Aussie cricketer – who died of a heart attack last year aged 52 while on vacation in Thailand – had an estate valued at £12million.

Pals tried to resuscitate him in vain after he was discovered unresponsive in a luxury Thai villa.

More than 50,000 people attended a state funeral at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, where his friends and family gave emotional speeches about their father, brother and good friend.

His funeral service had an estimated 300million tune in from India alone, having also been broadcast to hundreds of millions in Pakistan, Bangladesh and the UK.

He was buried just south of Melbourne later that month, leaving a massive personal estate and wealth to be divided among his family.

Shane notably left out ex-wife Simone from his will, after the pair split in 2005 following a decade of marriage.

As well as playing internationally, Warne played domestic cricket for his home state of Victoria and English domestic cricket for Hampshire.

He was captain of Hampshire for 3 seasons from 2005 to 2007 and played his first test match in 1992 and took over 1,000 international wickets.

Perhaps the most-viewed cricket clip of all time, Shane Warne’s Ball of the Century at Old Trafford in 1993 was the start of the leg-spinner’s legend.

His very first delivery in Ashes cricket swerved in the air, landed outside Mike Gatting’s leg stump and turned so savagely that it clipped the top of off stump.

Australia won the match and clinched the Ashes. Gatting’s bemused look as he trudged off was a picture.

On December 21, 2006, Warne announced his retirement following the fifth Ashes Test match at the SCG.

He said it was his intention to “go out on top” and added that he might have retired after the 2005 Ashes series if Australia had won.

In February 2003, he was handed a 12-month ban from cricket after taking a diuretic.

At the time, he accused the Australian Cricket Board’s drug tribunal of bowing to “anti-doping hysteria” following the year-long suspension for using a prohibited substance as a masking agent.

Warne said his mother Brigitte gave him the Moduretic before he went in front of the cameras to announce his retirement from one-day international cricket after the World Cup.

Actress Jacquie Brennan will take on the role of Brigitte in the Warnie series.

The cricket legend split from Simone in 2005 following ten years of marriage[/caption]
News.com/Channel 9
A release date for Warnie has not yet been confirmed[/caption]

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