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Super Nintendo World opens in Los Angeles next month with a Mario Kart-themed ride, gigantic Bowser statue, and Princess Peach cupcakes — take a look inside

The theme park is part of Universal Studios Hollywood and the first of its kind outside Japan. It opens ahead of the forthcoming Mario Bros film.

A guest takes a photo with Mario during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -
A guest takes a photo with Mario during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -
  • Super Nintendo World opens its doors to the public on February 17. 
  • The theme park, which is based in LA as part of Universal Studios, is the first of its kind outside of Japan. 
  • It includes Nintendo-themed rides, eateries, and interactive games. Take a look inside. 
Super Nintendo World is opening its much-anticipated first theme park outside of Japan next month in Los Angeles.
Universal Studios Hollywood promotes their upcoming Super Nintendo World theme park addition on the Universal CityWalk on September 26, 2022 in Universal City, California. (
Universal Studios Hollywood promotes their upcoming Super Nintendo World theme park addition on the Universal CityWalk on September 26, 2022 in Universal City, California. (
The park is operated by Universal Studios Hollywood and officially opens its doors to the public Feb. 17 — just ahead of the forthcoming Super Mario Bros. animated film in April.
Universal Studios Hollywood promotes their upcoming Super Nintendo World theme park addition on the Universal CityWalk on September 26, 2022 in Universal City, California.
Universal Studios Hollywood promotes their upcoming Super Nintendo World theme park addition on the Universal CityWalk on September 26, 2022 in Universal City, California.
One- and two-day general admission passes to the park start at $109 and $149, respectively. There are also VIP Experience passes available for $369.
Guests walk towards the entrance during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests walk towards the entrance during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13.

Source: Universal Studios Hollywood

The US version features many of the same elements of the original Super Nintendo World in Osaka, Japan.
In this picture taken on March 17, 2021, fans of Universal Studio Japan pose at the entrance of the Super Nintendo World, during a media preview of the theme park in Osaka.
In this picture taken in 2021, fans of Universal Studio Japan pose at the entrance of the Super Nintendo World, during a media preview at the theme park in Osaka.
Guests were invited to a preview of the park on January 13, where they wandered around what looks like a Super Mario Bros. game come to life.
Guests explore during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests explore during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
The park is filled with mascots of fan-favorite Nintendo characters, like Mario and Luigi ...
Mario and Luigi are escorted through the crowd on their way to a break during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Mario and Luigi are escorted through the crowd on their way to a break during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
and Princess Peach.
Guests take pictures with Princess Peach during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests take pictures with Princess Peach during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, on January 13.
It also features rides like "Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge" where guests can "battle Team Bowser on iconic Mario Kart courses alongside Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach."
Guests ride Super Mario Kart during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -
Guests ride Super Mario Kart during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -

Source: Universal Studios Hollywood

The attraction requires special Mario Bros.-themed goggles that allow riders to collect digital coins and throw shells, just like in Mario Kart video games.
Special goggles needed for the Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge augmented reality ride are seen during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
The augmented reality ride includes mini sets like this featuring iconic imagery from the Super Mario Bros. games.
Mini sets are seen inside the access area for the Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge ride during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Mini sets are seen inside the access area for the Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge ride during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
There's even a giant statue of the infamous antagonist Bowser in all his glory.
A statue of Bowser is seen at the entrance of the Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge ride during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
A statue of Bowser is seen at the entrance of the Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge ride during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Bowser makes a few appearances throughout the park.
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
Super Nintendo World visitors can complete challenges, participate in interactive games, and collect digital coins using power-up bands, available for purchase around the park.
A staff member stands by a poster of power-up bands during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
A staff member stands by a poster of power-up bands during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.

Source: Universal Studios Hollywood

Visitors also can play virtual games, such as this one.
Guests play a virtual game during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests play a virtual game during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
The park also has a gift shop called the 1-Up Factory where visitors can pick up souvenirs depicting their favorite characters ...
Guests shop during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests shop during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
... like these Toad stuffed animals ...
A guest looks at a Toad toy on display in a store during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
A guest looks at a Toad toy on display in a store during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
... or this headband.
A guest wears a Nintendo headband during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
A guest wears a Nintendo headband during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
If you're hungry, you can stop by the Toadstool Cafe.
Greeters await people for lunch at the Toadstool Cafe at Super Nintendo World on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA.
Greeters await people for lunch at the Toadstool Cafe at Super Nintendo World on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA.
The restaurant includes options like the Piranha Plant Caprese, a Mario Burger, and Princess Peach Cupcakes.
Guests eat lunch at the Toadstool Cafe during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests eat lunch at the Toadstool Cafe during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.

Source: Universal Studios Hollywood

While wandering around the park, fans of the Nintendo game franchises will see familiar sights like Princess Peach's castle ...
Guests walk by Princess Peach's castle during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
Guests walk by Princess Peachs castle during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
... Piranhas emerging from plumbing tubes and Goombas stomping the grounds ...
A Goomba and a piranha plant patrol the walls during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
A Goomba and a piranha plant patrol the walls during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023.
... classic power-up boxes ...
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
... and even more beloved friends and foes.
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
A first look at the first-ever theme park land themed to a video game franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood's Super Nintendo World on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
"Visiting the theme park is like being in the video game," Jon Corfino, vice president of Universal Creative, told Euronews.
A guest takes a photo with Mario during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -
A guest takes a photo with Mario during a preview of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, on January 13, 2023. -

Source: Euronews

Read the original article on Business Insider

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