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I bought a $140,000 mobile home in an LA neighborhood where houses can cost millions. Here are 5 pros and 1 con.

I live in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, where the median home costs over $1 million. Living mobile was a more affordable option with mostly upsides.

On the left, exterior shot of red mobile home in los angeles. On the right, a view of the kitchen, with dark cabinets and stainless steel appliances.
I live in a mobile home in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles.
  • I live in a mobile home in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, where houses can cost millions of dollars. 
  • My place cost $140,000, and I pay under $2,000 a month in mortgage and rental fees. 
  • It's quite spacious, with two bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and a small yard. 

Living in a mobile home means I can afford to own property in Los Angeles, California, with plenty of space, a yard, parking, and more.

Mine cost $140,000, but in the Eagle Rock neighborhood where I live, the median home cost is over $1 million. 

Though mobile living may not be the most popular option, there are several pros — as well as one potential downside — to the lifestyle.

Living in a mobile home has been much more affordable

I purchased my home for $140,000 in late 2020 and moved in during the summer of 2021.

My parents helped me with the $30,000 down payment, which I'm extremely grateful for. I also saved an additional $15,000 on my own to cover moving, furnishings, and other miscellaneous costs of homeownership.

My mortgage is $864 a month, and I also have a (rent-controlled) rental fee of $1,100 that covers the lot space and includes trash and recycling services.

Altogether, I pay less than $2,000 a month to live in a much nicer home than I could ever afford to rent, especially in the competitive Los Angeles market.

Also, my property taxes are low since I rent the land and only own the house. These taxes are assessed at 1% of the home's value, so they're far cheaper than they might be otherwise.

My home has multiple bathrooms and other handy amenities 

bathroom in mobile home with colorful shower curtain
I love having an ensuite bathroom.

My house has two bedrooms and two full bathrooms, one of which is an ensuite. I'm still getting used to the luxury of having a private bathroom that guests never have to see. 

I work from home, so my second bedroom is a dedicated office space

My mobile home also has a dishwasher, which I haven't had in over a decade, as well as in-unit laundry (though, I purchased the machines myself). 

I also have two parking spaces, secure mailboxes, and nice neighbors.

Our park manager is a fantastic community resource

My house is part of a mobile-home community with about 30 homes on the lot. We have a park manager who plans events for us and helps with tasks like tracking gas usage.

She's a gem, and she's always been super helpful. It's nice to have a dedicated person to answer questions and keep an eye on things. 

Event-wise, there are generally a few organized gatherings a year, which are a great opportunity to meet and get to know neighbors. 

It's so nice having a mostly private outdoor space

A green area of Astroturf between a blue and a red mobile home
My neighbor and I share an outdoor space.

My neighbor is the person who told me about the mobile-home park I live in, and now we're sharing a yard.

Everyone in the park has some outdoor space, and we've combined ours to make a lovely yard with artificial turf. It's perfect for watching movies outside, hosting a clothing swap, and making room for pets.

Even though Los Angeles is full of amazing parks, walking paths, and outdoor spaces, it's nice to have something more private. 

I can decorate to my heart's content

Interior view of mobile home living room with black-and-gold wallpaper, white fireplace, and tv
I've put up some wallpaper.

After years of renting, I'm really enjoying the opportunity to put my personal stamp on my space.

I've never been super into decorating because when you're renting, it all has to come down anyway. But now that I own my space, I'm making bolder choices, like using wallpaper on accent walls.

I love making this space feel like mine and showing people what I've done.

On the downside, mobile homes can depreciate in value

The one major con is that, typically, mobile homes don't gain value over time like regular houses. Rather, they depreciate in value, like a new car.

But according to Lending Tree, some recent data from the US Census Bureau shows that the median value of mobile homes is increasing throughout most of the country. 

Plus, since I plan to stay here as long as possible, this con doesn't mean much to me.

Read the original article on Insider

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