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And Just Like That: 10 Best Quotes | Screen Rant

Sex and the City was known for its dialogue, and the same can be said with the sequel series And Just Like That, which already has some great quotes.

And Just Like That, a continuation of Sex and the City, focuses on the unique perspectives of the main characters, now in their 50s, navigating life, careers, and a changing world around them in New York City. While the show has taken some unexpected turns, the ladies remain much the same as they were years ago.

RELATED: 10 Biggest Sex And The City Easter Eggs (So Far) In And Just Like That 

With that said, they face new challenges, including unhappy marriages, untimely deaths, loss of friendships, navigating parenthood and reinvigorating their careers. And much like on the original series, they have a lot to say about the things they're going through.

In the first episode, the ladies bring a dose of real life into the show by referencing the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting the timeline takes place after the lockdowns have ended and masks and social distancing are no longer required.

Carrie and Miranda have this conversation while out for brunch, navigating a busy café and running into old acquaintances they were happy not to have exchanged pleasantries with.

Even though Kim Cattrall did not return to reprise her role as the sharp-tongued, sexually open Samantha, who often won at life on Sex and the City, the character is referenced several times throughout the show. The first is by Bitsy when the ladies run into her at a restaurant.

She greets them warmly, instantly noticing that one friend is missing from the once foursome who were rarely ever seen out and about without the others. It leads to an awkward conversation that explains Samantha's absence as a the result of a rift between she and Carrie and a decision to take a job in the U.K.

Miranda was always the strong, confident one who didn't care much what others thought of her and bucked conventions in order to stick with her convictions. When the ladies rib her about leaving her hair grey instead of dying it to hide her age, particularly when she makes the decision to go back to school, Miranda fires back with this quote.

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She doesn't believe she needs to pretend she's any younger than she is, and while Miranda shows glimpses of temptation to give in to the change, like when she glares questioningly at herself in a store window, she stands her ground.

Che's character is quickly summed up in this intro to their podcast, which explains that while they are joined by a cisgender woman and man for each episode of the show, they stand strong in what makes them what they are.

While Che isn't a familiar character from earlier iterations of the series (though the actor who plays them, Sara Ramirez, is one of the most underrated TV drama actors), they represent a strong, confident form of expression and sense of self that establishes them firmly on the show. This quote sums that up nicely.

While the quote set up a larger story about Miranda having a drinking problem, it was hilarious at the time. While attending Charlotte's daughter's piano recital, Miranda discreetly pulls a bottle of wine out of her bag along with some plastic cups.

Carrie, as her usual sarcastic self, says this line and graciously accepts a cup to sip on the libation. Miranda says it's necessary for them to make it through what they suspect will be a tortuous series of student performances.

In one of the funniest scenes of the show, Carrie and Miranda run into an old friend, Susan Sharon, at the gathering after Big's funeral. She goes on a rant about how she wants to let bygones be bygones and let go of the tension and grudge between she and Carrie that has existed for so long.

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Carrie is visibly confused, and when Susan walks away and Miranda asks her what that conversation was all about, Carrie shrugs noting she hoped Miranda might know because she has no idea.

As Miranda struggles with her unhappy marriage and potential confusion over her sexuality, Che speaks these words to her, which makes Miranda think. She doesn't know what is going through her mind and if she is really exploring her sexuality or just looking for any kind of connection to replace the lost one with Steve.

Che makes a solid point in suggesting that it's better Miranda open her mind to the idea of who she might be instead of convincing herself she is sure she has the answer without trying to figure it out first.

There were a lot of sad things about Miranda on Sex and the City, and the character has several blunders through the sequel show, too. Most notable from And Just Like That was when she met her professor and referenced her hair, tried to convince her she was not racist, and assumed an incorrect pronoun for a student in the class.

Her reactions and frantic speech reflect an older woman trying to navigate a new climate and being insecure about herself starting a new chapter in life.

When it came to relationships, Carrie always had the answer: there are many Carrie quotes Sex and the City fans will love. It might not have always been the right answer, and she made mistakes herself. But in this moment, when Carrie began to grieve Big's death and realize that she was once again alone in the big city, she said these words.

There was such a vulnerability in them that they were relatable to anyone who has ever suffered a great loss and had to deal with starting over without a plan.

Once again, while Samantha isn’t on the show, she has been referenced multiple times, and appeared in the form of written messages. In one instance, after Carrie reveals a previous, potentially embarrassing story involving Samantha helping her with a feminine hygiene issue on her podcast, she decides to reach out to let Samantha know in case she hears from someone else.

Worried that Samantha might be upset with her for talking about such a private story, Samantha responds in her usual carefree way. She shows no concern, even replying with this witty pun.

NEXT: 10 Most Unexpected Things To Happen In Sex And The City 

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