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RHOBH: Delilah Hamlin Claims Her Mom Lisa Rinna Won't Pay For Her Therapy

Delilah Hamlin posted a video on TikTok, dissing her mom and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna for neglecting her mental health.

Delilah Hamlin has made it clear she doesn't think her parents Harry Hamlin, and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna support her in her struggle with her mental health. Delilah has been appearing on the show every so often, ever since her mom became a housewife in season 5. Fans of the show were able to see the beginning stages of Delilah's modeling career and even captured one of her first major runway moments back in 2017. Her mom and fellow RHOBH star Erika Jayne tagged along, and had some interesting discussions about Lisa's book about sex, with Lisa's daughters claiming to have read it and been traumatized by it. Erika was shocked about how open Lisa is with her kids, as that is not how she grew up in the South with her mother.

One of the most beloved member of their family, was Lisa's mother Lois Rinna, who unfortunately passed away last month around Thanksgiving. Five days before she passed, Lisa shared on social media that her mother had a stroke, having posted a video of Lois dancing to Justin Beiber's "Despacito." She shared at the time, that she was unsure about whether or not to share her mom's condition, but ultimately decided the fans deserved to know. Initially after announcing the stroke, Lisa wasn't willing to provide more details and her daughter Amelia Hamlin was the first to announce she had passed. Shortly after, Lisa also posted the news on her Instagram.

Related: RHOBH: Lisa Rinna Reveals Her Mother Lois Suffered A Stroke

Delilah is now claiming she doesn't think her parents are very supportive of her and her mental health struggle. As reported by Page Six, Delilah posted a video on her TikTok, calling both her parents out for seemingly neglecting her struggle. The video starts with just her face with text just above it getting fans ready for a list of things she doesn't think she'll get for Christmas. The text then changes to reveal she doesn't think her parents are going to pay for her to go to therapy to resolve her trauma. She then posted a second video, with this one having a more playful tone with a dark undertone. In this video she mouths an apology for acting so strange, and says it's all because she is struggling with her mental health and is going through a lot at the moment. Lisa and Harry have not responded to any of Delilah's comments.

Back in November, Delilah shared with her fans that her body had developed a dependence for Xanax, after a doctor prescribed her a dosage that was too much for her. She was prescribed the medication due to her struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and anxiety. She also shared that she accidentally overdosed on a drug called propranolol after mixing it with Benadryl. Due to her dependence on Xanax, she sought treatment at an alternative-to-meds treatment facility in order to find another way to deal with her OCD and anxiety. This isn't the first time Delilah sought out treatment, as she told fans she went to rehab twice in 2019 to get treatment for her anxiety and depression.

It seems as if Delilah has been through a lot in her life so far. It will be interesting to see if any of Delilah's issues will be featured on the new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Lisa spoke a lot about Amelia's issues with an eating disorder, so it won't be surprising to fans if she also chooses to comment on Delilah's struggles. Will fans accuse her of exploiting her daughters?

Next: RHOBH: Garcelle Beauvais Reveals She Tested Positive For COVID-19

Source: Page Six, TikTok

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