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What Your Favorite What We Do In the Shadows Character Says About You

There are many great characters that appear in What We Do in the Shadows, and who viewers identify with can reveal a lot about their personalities.

What We Do in the Shadows has earned a reputation for being one of the funniest shows on television, with its cheeky yet surprisingly detailed take on the mythology of the vampire. A key part of the appeal to the series stems from its characters, all of whom manage to both function very well on their own yet also become part of a team.

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The character that a particular viewer likes the most, it turns out, says a great deal about their personality, what they think about the world, and how they make decisions too.

Nandor is, of course, the leader of the vampires, and it’s easy to see why. Though he fumbles now and then, for the most part, he knows how to wrangle the others into doing what they should do. At the same time, he also repeatedly demonstrates that he is a very sensitive person, and as the series goes on he struggles a bit with the endless nature of eternal life.

He’s likely to appeal to people who have a natural knack for leadership yet also know how to be in touch with their feelings.

Laszlo is one of the series’ most likable characters, mostly because he is very irreverent and doesn’t take anything too seriously, with many funny quotes to his name. He is also one of the characters that is most committed to the pursuit of pleasure, and that even applies to his ghost.

Those who find Laszlo their favorite character are probably similarly committed to not thinking too much about the future, but instead want to live in the moment and seek out the things that bring them pleasure.

Nadja is arguably the bravest character of What We Do in the Shadows, and she is also stubborn, fierce, and independent. Though she dearly loves Laszlo, she’s also not afraid to find pleasure elsewhere, indulging in a centuries-long affair with the man called Gregor.

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She’s the type of character that intrigues people who are similarly independent-minded and aren’t afraid to tell other people what they think of them, even if those words might be more than a little insulting.

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Guillermo, who is arguably one of the series’ most likable characters. After all, he’s been working hard as a vampire familiar for quite a while, with no guarantee that he’ll ever actually become a vampire. What’s more, he even goes so far as to defend the vampires against assassins sent to kill them.

He’s the type of character that will appeal to people for whom loyalty to friends is more important than anything else, even if it means sacrificing their own well-being.

Colin Robertson is one of the funniest characters on the show, in large part because his skill as an energy vampire is to drain people simply by being as boring as possible. However, he also shows that he has a dry sense of humor, which is why he is still one of the series’ most endearing characters.

Colin Robinson attracts people who similarly enjoy being normal but are still fun to be with at times and, just as importantly, still value their friends even when they’re not especially nice.

Even though Nadja’s most important relationship is with Laszlo, she has also had a long-standing relationship with a man named Gregor, who has found her in several successive lifetimes. In fact, he’s so committed to her that he even manages to escape from a mental health facility and crash several cars, all to reunite with her.

He’s just the sort of person that will interest people for whom love and romance are everything, and who will sacrifice almost anything to be with the person that they love, no matter the risks to their personal health.

Kristen Schaal is a very funny actress with a number of very funny roles in her filmography, and she brings her unique energy to the character of the Guide, who is responsible for bearing messages for the Vampiric Council.

As is almost always the case with Schaal, she is very strange and unsettling--frequently floating from one place to another--and this means that she’d be sure to appeal to others who take a particular delight in unsettling everyone that they come into contact with.

Beanie Feldstein is another actress who has established herself as a formidable talent, and though she only appears in the first season of the show as a fledgling vampire, she still makes an impression. She has an innocence and a charm about her that is all her own, and it actually takes her a while to adapt to being a vampire (she only really accepts it late in the game).

RELATED: 10 Best What We Do In The Shadows Quotes

She’s the type of person that would intrigue those who walk through the world with a certain naivete and innocence, always willing to endure others’ cruelty.

Even though the vampires are the focus of the series, they also encounter a number of noted human characters, including their next-door neighbor Sean. He’s a very simple kind of person, which puts him at odds with the more “cultured” vampires. What’s more, this also renders him vulnerable to their hypnosis (much to his chagrin). However, he also seems to be a decent guy.

Viewers who like or identify with him are sure to be similarly simple in their outlook and very willing to welcome others into their home.

There are few vampires more powerful or dangerous than the Baron, who makes a particularly striking impression during the first season of the show. He demonstrates time and again that he’s quite willing to destroy anyone--whether human or vampire--who gets in his way, but also likes to have fun.

He’s a character that is very much likely to charm people who are similarly brutal with their approach to others in their life but can also be counted on to enjoy a night out on the town.

NEXT: Superb Owl & 9 Other Hilarious Mistakes The Vampires Made in What We Do in the Shadows

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