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All Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chest Locations | Screen Rant

Far Cry 6 has fifteen Criptograma chests that are scattered around Yara. Each chest holds a unique reward, like pieces of the Mark II Rioter gear set.

Far Cry 6 includes Criptograma chests that will give players access to several unique gear sets. Tracking down the chests is just one of the many activities players can expect to complete while playing. Throughout Far Cry 6, there will be weapons, collectibles, vehicles, and gear for players to discover and obtain.

Hidden collectibles and challenging puzzles are staples in the Far Cry franchise. The newest installment gives players the chance to track down Criptograma chests, which are scattered around Yara, but they will also have to figure out how to open the chests. Finishing everything in Far Cry 6 can take a while, but players looking to get better gear should take the time to collect the Criptograma loot.

Related: How To Unlock The Madrugadian Horse in Far Cry 6

From hunting down chests to unlocking the secret ending, Far Cry 6 has a lot of content for players to explore. Finding and opening the Criptograma chests can be difficult because each one has two charts to locate nearby, and these act as the keys to open the chests. Players will not only need to find the chests around Yara, but then figure out where the charts are. Far Cry 6 has a total of 15 Criptograma chests, and 30 charts, to find and unlock. Each chest has a unique reward, such as pieces of the Fuego or Hazmat sets.

Far Cry 6 has everything from Assassin's Creed references to powerful gear sets in hidden chests. There are three unique gear sets, each with five pieces, spread out in the Criptograma chests. The Hazmat, Fuego, and Rioter sets each offer players different perks such as poison defense, increased fire damage to enemies, or increased melee damage. Collecting every piece in a set will greatly improve the player's stats.

Hazmat Gloves MK II: On Isla Santuario north of Armoria

  • Royal Palm Chart:This chart is located on the roof in front of the chest.
  • Yaran Flag Chart: Go right and find the chart in the stone pipe.

Hazmat Pants MK II: I La Joya on the People's Pride Clinic rooftop

  • Croco Taxi Chart: Head north to the rooftop near the water to find this chart.
  • Cigar Chart: From the chest, go west to the northernmost apartment building roof.

Hazmat Suit MK II: On the pier of Barriga in Sierra Perdida

  • Domino Chart: At the western part of the lake, the chart is pinned to the door of a boathouse.
  • Horse Chart: Go across the lake and into the boathouse near the damaged pier.

Hazmat Mask MK II: On a shack rooftop in Sierra Perdida

  • Tocororo Chart: Find this chart south of the chest on the building with low walls.
  • El Crocodilo Chart: Smash the door to get into the partially flooded shack southwest of the chest.

Hazmat Shoes MK II: In Conuco on a rooftop in the northwest area of Concepcion

  • Chalice Chart: North of the chest in the east part of the market square, this chart is inside the store.
  • Machete Chart: Go to the roof of the auto shop just east of the first chart.

Rioter Boots MK II: On the south coast of Madrugada on a tower at El Dorado Cabins

  • Dog Chart: Head to the peninsula's southernmost tip.
  • Pig Chart: Travel southeast of the cabins to the small islet.

Rioter Gloves MK II: In northwest Costa Del Mar on the pier in Poesia

  • Yara Libre Chart: Find this chart on the rock ahead of the pier.
  • Rooster Chart: Go south and find the grapple point along the coast.

Rioter Vest MK II: North of Ida's Refuge near the pier in Aguas Lindas

  • Shark Chart: Go to the small island with a damaged pier north of the village, then dive into the water and find the chart pinned to a sunken plank.
  • Yaran Queen Butterfly Chart: Find this chart on the large island north of the village located on the southern cliff.

Rioter Helm Mk II: On the billboard in north Verdera

  • Sunrise Mariposa Flower Chart: Go south across the rooftops to find this chart.
  • El Trompo Chart: This chart will be on a rooftop along the path to reach the Sunrise Mariposa Flower Chart.

Rioter Pants MK II: North of La Divinidad Cathedral in Old Pueblo on the rooftop.

  • La Guitarra Chart: Inside the cathedral from the east balcony, move to the nearby rooftop using the plank.
  • Rum Chart: While facing the cathedral, move to the right and go over the balcony.

Fuego Boots MK II: East of the dam in Noventarmas on the ground near a flooded tower

  • Boxing Gloves Chart: Use Far Cry 6's wingsuit or parachute to get to the small tower from the top of the flooded one.
  • Tarantula Chart: Located at the top of the flooded tower.

Fuego Mitts MK II: South of Feroza in a fenced-in shipping container yard

  • Starfish Chart: This chart is at the end of the zipline pinned underneath the steering wheel of a car.
  • Libertad Emblem Chart: Go to the back of the yellow container and smash the board, then the chart will be inside.

Fuego Helmet MK II: In a watchtower in Cruz Del Salvador northwest of Segunda

  • Soursop Chart: Break the wooden board covering the manhole to the southeast.
  • Cat Chart: Similarly, break the wooden board covering the manhole to the northeast.

Fuego Pants MK II: In Barrial southeast of Ruben

  • Coin Chart: Shoot the orange netting to enter the cave that's southeast and around the cliffs from the chest.
  • Mamey Sapote Chart: Find this chart under the pier northeast of the chest.

Fuego Coat MK II: Siete Pajaros Apartments at the southern edge of Esperanza

  • El Flamenco Chart: Use the zipline south of the chest and climb the vines to find this chart.
  • Car Clasico Chart: From the chest, grapple to the roof and go south.

To gather every piece of the three Criptograma chest gear sets, players will need to travel all over Yara and deal with various enemies along the way. It's recommended that players have at least one of Far Cry 6's better starting weapons before attempting to complete this collection. As the game progresses, travel to new areas will be required, so players can also just wait to get each chest until a mission brings them close to it.

Next: Far Cry 6 Ending Explained: Is [SPOILER] Returning As The Smuggler?

Far Cry 6 is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and PC.

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