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Captain America Has More In Common With Doctor Doom Than Fans Realize

In a new preview for Marvel's SWORD, Doctor Doom points out that he and Captain America actually have some significant things in common.

In a new preview for Marvel's SWORD, Captain America is reminded by Doctor Doom that they actually share a few things in common. Both were in attendance at the X-Men's Hellfire Gala, and this new preview sees the two equally struggling to process the massive display of mutant power that's just been revealed to the world. As a result, it seems as though this new issue will see Doom and Steve Rogers bonding somewhat as they're equally shocked by what the X-Men have done and what the future holds as a result. Furthermore, Doctor Doom notes that they both hold similar positions and statuses within their respective nations, and he's not wrong.

As far as it relates to the X-Men, the reason Captain America and Doctor Doom are so surprised and shocked is seen in Planet-Sized X-Men #1, which depicts Magneto leading a team of powerful mutants to literally terraform Mars, turning it into a hospitable world for mutankind. While Magneto got the approval of Karkoa's Quiet Council to begin work on the project, they apparently didn't feel the need to run this by any other nation or group in the Marvel Universe. They just went ahead and claimed Mars as their own mutant world, filling it with oceans, life, and breathable air in a manner of days and debuting the new Planet Arakko to the world at the Hellfire Gala.

Related: Captain America Admits Batman is His Equal Despite Super Soldier Serum

Naturally, this is a rather exciting and major shift in Marvel's status quo that proves just how powerful mutantkind and the X-Men truly are. Now, the preview for SWORD #6 from writer Al Ewing and artist Valerio Schiti sees Captain America trying to deal with what he's just seen, and Doctor Doom convinces him to share his thoughts seeing that they both operate on common ground, being the "faces of their nations". Here's the synopsis and cover art for the upcoming issue:

  • SWORD #6
  • On Earth, the HELLFIRE GALA is in full swing. But on S.W.O.R.D. Station One, a very different guest list comes together...as Abigail Brand finally unveils her plans for Mysterium - and the future of human and mutantkind.

Doctor Doom's words in this new preview are dynamic, revealing that he actually respects Captain America more than Rogers and perhaps fans even knew. Apparently, this is because Rogers and Doom are both seen as the respective faces of their countries. While Steve Rogers serves the United States as one of its premier heroes standing up for justice, truth, and American values, so to does Doctor Doom serves as the face of Latveria, ruling his people as their protector (albeit with a merciless iron fist.)

Surprisingly, Steve Rogers does decide to open up and share with Doctor Doom, which is honestly the perfect sign that something big has gone down in the Marvel Universe as it's warranting heroes and villains/rogues such as these two to share the same concerns and potential fears. While seeing the first man on the moon brought Rogers hope after he got out of the ice, it seems as though the X-Men's leap into space has had the opposite effect. In any case, it certainly seems as though Captain America and Doctor Doom are two sides of the same coin in the Marvel Universe.

More: The X-Men's Enemies Are Recruiting After The Hellfire Gala

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