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More than half of Americans are suffering ‘screen fatigue’ from spending longer looking at computer during pandemic

MORE than half of Americans are suffering from “screen fatigue” due to the COVID-19  pandemic, according to new research. A new survey of 2,000 Americans found 53% of respondents are feeling burnt out on screens over the last few months. The study showed that before the COVID-19 pandemic, the average American surveyed was getting about […]

MORE than half of Americans are suffering from “screen fatigue” due to the COVID-19  pandemic, according to new research.

A new survey of 2,000 Americans found 53% of respondents are feeling burnt out on screens over the last few months.

More than half of Americans are suffering from 'screen fatigue' due to the COVID-19  pandemic, according to new research
More than half of Americans are suffering from ‘screen fatigue’ due to the COVID-19  pandemic, according to new research

The study showed that before the COVID-19 pandemic, the average American surveyed was getting about fours of screen time per day.

Since the quarantine started, that number has jumped up to over six hours — and their eyes are paying the price.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Foster Grant, found nearly six in 10 respondents said they often get screen-related aches and pains, with the average respondent getting about three per week.

Three in four of those polled said when they take breaks from looking at a screen they like to go outside and look at nature.

According to the results, 57% of Americans surveyed said the pandemic has caused them to suffer from more “screenaches” than ever before.

Scientists say people should at least buy some blue light blocking glasses for increased screen time
Scientists say people should at least buy some blue light blocking glasses for increased screen time

Two-thirds of those polled said the very first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is subject their tired eyes to a screen.

And not only do they hurt, but six in 10 also said the uptick in screen-related aches and pains leaves them feeling a lot less productive than normal.

Looking at screens is also quite draining, with two in three saying looking at a screen too long makes them feel physically tired.

Americans are looking at screens so much during quarantine that they have to take four screen breaks every day.

It’s gotten so bad that 56% of respondents said they are actively trying to cut down on their screen time to give their eyes a much-needed rest.

“Screen fatigue and increased tech time is happening for adults and children much more frequently these days, but most Americans — 61% — don’t own a pair of blue light blocking glasses!” said Matthew Coon, SVP, Global Product Development & Sourcing, Foster Grant.

“The science is very clear — these glasses can work wonders to decrease eye strain and the aches and pains that come with it by limiting exposure to blue light.”

Six in 10 Americans surveyed said they have taken up more reading during the quarantine period, but it hasn’t helped their eyes much.

Nearly half of those polled said they get eye pains and strains while trying to read physical books.

And the average respondent said they can only get through 24 pages of a physical book before having to put it down to give their eyes a rest.

“The results showed that 39% of respondents actually own blue light blocking glasses, with nearly 80% saying it helps,” continued Coon.

“Investing in a good pair of reading glasses and/or blue light glasses doesn’t have to break the bank, and in turn to can help protect your eyes from unnecessary strain. Look for a reputable, established brand that offers quality styles, innovation, assortment and value.”

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