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Stacey Solomon parties with Loose Women co-stars while Joe Swash stays at home

STACEY Solomon let her hair down with some of the Loose Women gang last night while boyfriend Joe Swash looked after baby Rex.

The telly favourite, 30, was joined by her fellow lunchtime chat show co-stars – Kaye Adams, Nadia Sawalha and Judi Love – for a much needed girly night out on the town.

Stacey Solomon parties with Loose Women co-stars while Joe Swash stays at home[/caption]

Stacey took to her Instagram story to document her night off from mummy-duties and started by showing her 3.6m followers how she does her make-up.

After she dolled herself up to the nines, the X Factor star was finally ready and raring to go for their union.

To mark the occasion, Stacey shared a snap of the four Loose Women stars with huge grins on their faces.

She captioned the post: “Joe is on Pickle duty so I’m staying later and catching up with these three humans who I’ve missed properly talking to so much.

Stacey gave an insight into her beauty regime before her big night out
The mum-of-three was ecstatic to be reunited with baby Rex[/caption]
Joe kindly looked after the tot while Stacey went out to enjoy herself with the girls[/caption]

“Love you so much @nadiasawalha @kayeadams official @judilove.”

Yesterday Stacey left the Loose Women panel horrified after revealing that she doesn’t shower every day.

The hosts opened up about which of them were ‘soap dodgers,’ and Stacey immediately put her hands up to the crime.

She explained: “I am not going to lie I do not wash my hair every day and sometimes if I’m in a rush I just wash my important bits.

Rex Features
Stacey admitted that she doesn’t shower every day while on Loose Women yesterday [/caption]

“I’ve always thought as long as you wash your important bits it’s OK.

“Like you can have a quick wash, sometimes I don’t have time for a 15 minute shower.

“Also I don’t think it’s that good for your hair and skin and stuff.”

Kéllé Bryan was left gobsmacked by her admission, and Stacey tried to get back up from Judi Love – but Judi couldn’t believe it either.

Rex Features
Stacey makes sure that she washes her “important bits” and believes that it OK to do [/caption]

Stacey then said: “(You skip a shower) not even on a Sunday when you don’t get out of your pjyamans as you’re cooking a roast and getting the kids ready? And then you’re still in your pyjamas so you think, ‘what’s the point?”

Judi laughed and replied: “No! I need a shower after cooking a roast and I’m all hot and sweaty!”

During the show she also revealed she’s considering fostering children with Joe when her sons, Zachary, 12, Leighton, eight, and Rex, 14 months, grow up and leave home.

She was asked whether she would share her home with people in need as the panel discussed Gary Lineker saying that he had offered his home to refugees.

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Stacey with her four boys, Leighton, Zachary, Rex and Joe [/caption]

 Stacey went on to say: “Joe’s mum is a foster carer and we’ve both had a discussion, that that is something we’d absolutely love to do.”

However, she hinted that she does want more biological kids with Joe first, as she doesn’t want to be on the pill long-term.

Speaking about using birth control, she said: “I always expect the man to provide the birth control I don’t know if that is a generational thing.

“If I was to meet someone, which I don’t do these days, I would expect they would bring a condom with them, I wouldn’t bring it myself. I would not be automatically on the pill.”

Refer to Caption
Stacey isn’t sure if both her and Joe have finished extending their beautiful family just yet [/caption]

Charlene then asked Stacey whether Joe has ever considered having a vasectomy to stop them having more kids.

Stacey revealed they haven’t had that discussion but she wouldn’t feel comfortable taking the pill long-term either.

She replied: “It’s not a conversation I’ve had with Joe because neither of us know if we have finished extending our family or not.

“But in a few years we would definitely have that conversation if we decided we didn’t want more children.

“Though I don’t think either of us would expect that, or for me to have my tubes tied.

“We would have to look at our other options…

“I personally would argue my case for not going on the contraceptive pill for a long time because that is not something I want to do…

“The only thing left would be a coil with no hormones.”

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