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All The Ways The 90 Day Fiance Has Made Americans Look Awful

All the ways 90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days has made the Americans look awful due to their horrendous actions and decisions when meeting their love.

Since season 5 of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days has premiered, fans can't help but feel ashamed with the way Americans acted while traveling abroad to meet their online loves. In our opinion, the show has done a good job at highlighting all of the ways Americans fail to recognize other cultures, feel entitled, as well as being rude to the people who are helping them. Though many would argue that it's not the show that's making American's look awful, we should actually be blaming the cast themselves for their behavior.

The 90 Day Fiancé franchise has brought viewers to so many different countries that they otherwise would not have seen in their lifetime. The show has filmed in Brazil, Ecuador, Nigeria, and Russia to name a few. The honest living conditions for some startled the reality stars leading them to question their future spouses’ agendas.

Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Usman's Scars Explained

The lack of empathy displayed by the newest cast members of 90 Day Fiancé Before the 90 Days has shown an ugly light on how some Americans can come across as selfish and privileged while traveling abroad. Viewers have noticed that a lot of the Americans on the hit show have not stopped complaining about the foreign countries they are visiting. And frankly, this season's cast is coming across as spoiled brats. Fans remember when Big Ed complained the entire time about living with his then-girlfriend Rosemarie in the humble home that she shared with her family. He complained about the animals, the heat, the smell, and the living conditions throughout the entire experience. Instead of taking the time while in Ecuador to learn more about her culture, family, and way of life, he just insisted on spending time at touristy resorts with Rose. Not only did he complain the entire time about the country, he then tried to shame Rose into shaving her legs to fit into his Westernized ideals for beauty.

Many felt that Big Ed was showing "white savior" mentality, meaning he felt he could show Rosemarie a better life just because he had money. And in turn, Rose needs to bow down to him, doing whatever he asks of her because he's the person that has the control, the money, and the ability to save her from her less-than-ideal living conditions. While "Baby Girl" Lisa has been unhappy and talking badly about Nigeria since her arrival. She was unimpressed with what was considered a fancy hotel, the shower that had a bucket, the bed, and complained about the smell at the goat market. Her poor attitude has not helped her win over fans either as she is an extremely controlling woman who wants everything her way. Then during the leaked tell-all footage, Lisa is seen calling her fiancé the N-word.

Even Geoffrey, who is used to nature as he is from Tennessee, is complaining about the food and the Russian weather because it has been raining and grey his whole trip. As the show went on, Geoffrey has begun to expose himself as a compulsive liar. He dumped Varya at the airport after a mini tantrum then ghosted her upon his return home. Then, he immediately jumped into a relationship with a woman he deemed second best.

The newest reality stars have no one to blame but themselves for the way they have been portrayed on the show. The bottom line, if the never said those ugly words or sentiments they would not have been aired on the show. Hopefully, by watching themselves each week the offenders can learn to improve on their personalities and become better people in the future. Here's hoping that the next batch of 90 Day Fiancé castmembers will have a more open and accepting attitude when it comes to visiting the home countries of the people they claim to love.

Next: 90 Day Fiancé: Lana Is Appalled David Hired a Private Investigator

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days airs Sundays at 8pm EST on TLC.

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